Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Just a friendly reminder ...

Happy Wednesday all! Just thought I'd give a shout out to everyone who has participated in my Wiccan Life Give-Away to remind all that the drawing will be held this coming Saturday, February 9th!!

Well, early Spring or not, we have been getting a bit of snow fall around here. So far nothing more than a couple of inches and some flurries here and there (*knock on wood*)!

The cats; however, are all safe and snug lying on the bed and sofa. What a life, eh? ^^

Have a great rest of the week and I will catch up with everyone this weekend!!


  1. What a great painting, I love it!
    Cats curled up in cozy sleep on a winter's day makes me happy.

  2. Love the painting! Hope all is going well with you; have been thinking of you of late.

  3. I love that painting!!!! Is it yours Kim?? I want it ;o) LOL! Seeing your cats always make me happy ;o) Have a great day my friend ;o)
