Saturday, May 04, 2013

Lesson learned ...

Happy Saturday my friends! I hope everyone had a blessed Ostara and Beltane holiday! I was so very busy that I barely could find the time to celebrate either. Now, next weekend it will be Mother's Day already ~ time sure flies!

What have I been up to? Well, I am still walking that uphill battle of the bulge .... I mean literally speaking. I grew very tired and bored of using the Skier machine every night for 20 minutes, and so I decided that since it has been so beautiful out so far this Spring I would walk the back country roads where I live for 45 minutes a day. Love it!!! I always did love to go for long walks and when I walk it is always more like a run.

However, since trying to lose weight, I have learned a few things other than the fact that it is extremely hard to do in your 40's (I am 49 years old). Apparently if you do not eat enough on a daily basis to get atleast up to1200 calories in your system, your body goes into a sort of panic mode where any little bit of food you do take into you automatically gets stored as FAT! It is our body's mechanism/way of surviving. And, when you reach my age gals,  (unless of course you are extremely blessed with good genes) peri-menapause decides where to store it ~ ALL in your abdomenal area! UGH!! Talk about difficut to lose! The only thing you can really seem to do besides dieting is sit-ups or scrunches ~ a lot of them!!!

While we are on the subject of dieting, there are certain foods you must avoid a this age. Among them are rice, pasta, bread, potatoes and anything with sugar or startch in them. It is also a good idea to cut out soda and iced tea as well. Gotta kind of wonder if there is anything left you can have that you really enjoy. But, as long as I see some results and I do my best to lose the weight healthy, I suppose that I can live with it. ;)

Anyway, here are my results thus far at 150 pounds ...

Easy? No way in Hades!!! But, eventhough it isn't everything, will power can take you far enough to give you some encouragement to follow through. Here's hoping!


  1. OMG!!! Kim you look fantastic!!! You go girl :)

  2. You are looking fab,keep going its all worth it in the end or thats what I keep telling myself. xx

    1. Jill ~ LOL! I most certainly hope so. Would hate to think that it was all for naught! Thanks girlfriend! :)

  3. You look amazing! It is hard work, but boy you have done well!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Very much appreciated, my friend!



  4. ...greetings and merry meet with thee! ~ 'tis been a long time between visits! ~ and ~ woW! ~ what an amazing post to come back and visit to! ~ go girl! ~ an awesome effort! ~ biggest hugs for thee! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred sister!...(0:

  5. Way to go! I'm going to work at cutting down on my diet coke addition this week and go from there! :-)

  6. Yepeee!! Kim, you look amazing!! I am so very proud of you!! Thanks for all the good information ;o) Much appreciated! I hope the kitties are doing well and the rabbit too ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  7. Oh, my goodness! I feel you! I'm just shy of my 43rd birthday. I'd been dieting for about a year and had lost about 70 lbs. AND THEN about a year ago everything just stopped...and actually the scale started trying to bounce back UP! NOT FUN! Just stumbled on your blog today. Nice to meet you!

    1. Merry Meet and Welcome, Dessa!!! It is ggod to meet you and it is comforting to know that I am not alone! Wow! 70 pounds is nothing to sneeze at!! ;)

  8. Boy howdy...this could have been written by me. I'm 44 and have finally gotten angry enough with our insurance company messing with my insulin prescription to do something proactive about my weight. You are right about the pasta, rice, bread and starches!

    You look fantastic! Do you mind if I ask what your energy level is like?
