Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The dark side of Pisces?

Okay, I am the Sun sign of Pisces and this post is merely my personal observation and experience with living as one. Now, we all know that Pisces symbol depicts two fish swimming in opposite directions. I find this to be quite interesting given that much of what we read in modern astrology books describes us as sensitive, compassionate, selfless, nurturing,  romantic, sensual, etc. The flip side of that coin; however, is the not so sweet stuff. Characteristics such as escapism through fantasy or alcohol/drugs, insecurity, neediness, prown to major bouts of depression, to name a few.

What we rarely read about, and I am being totally honest here, is the fact that we Pisces can be just as ruthless and vengeful as any other sign, perhaps even more so! Most people find this somewhat surprising and fairly hard to believe, but anyone who has been on the other end of a scorned or violated Pisces knows this only too well to be true. It seems to me that there a two different types of Pisces ~ the ones who get even (and believe me when I say "even" I mean think nothing of hitting you where it hurts the most), and the ones who more often than not simply choose to cut their losses and just walk away licking their wounds.

Perhaps it is our strong emotional side, a state of being that generally seems to take over much of our logic at times, that causes this extreme behavior? I, myself, have been known in the past of standing on both sides of that coin!  Now, please don't get me wrong, for the most part, I feel that my sign of Pisces is a pretty positive sign overall and I am not in any way trying to make us sound bad because we are truly NOT! But, just like any other sign, we are far from perfect and do have our faults. After all, we are only human!


  1. Funny thing....I'm a Leo but have had several folk, who are generally quite accurate in their 'guesses', peg me as Pisces. Go figure!

    1. LOL! Perhaps there may be Pisces somewhere in your astro chart?? The sign of Pisces could be in one or more of your planets. It would tend to explain a lot! ;)

  2. I'm a virgo married to a pisces. He's a gentle, loving person. Nine times out of ten, he's the exit-and-lick-wounds type. Every so often, though, WOW! He can think of the sneakiest ways to get back at someone who has crossed him.

    I think it's great that you can be so objective about your nature. Since you recognize the darker aspects of yourself, you have the chance to step back before you do something you might regret. Less self-aware people don't have that opportunity.

    1. Carrie Ann ~ You are quite right! We Pisces can also be very sneaky when crossed and most people do not see it coming either. Everything is personal and is usually taken that way, too. I am much like your husband in that I normally just walk away, although mind you, forgiving takes a lot longer. ;)

      Working on it though. ;)

    2. Everyone needs to remember that pisces has all the characteristics of every other sign. And we are mostly mistaken for weak,sensitive, nurturing but as this article states that's not always the case with us. And I'm the complete opposite of what people generally expect us fellow Pisces to be. My best friend is a Scorpio,my mom and dad are Aquarius's, and my annoying cousin is a Leo no offense but yeah we should take time to figure someone's personality out for ourselves not based on their zodiacs I'm borderline Aquarius and Pisces.

  3. I believe we all have that side of us that needs to lash out once in awhile...I know that I do. BTW...I am a Leo. A Leo that could bite a head off or two at times! Mostly I am just as gentle and loving as a kitten...purrrrrr

    1. I quite agree, Jan! My mom is also a Leo and so is my father-in-law. They are so much alike sometimes it is uncanny! LOL!

  4. Kim, my brother is a Pisces. That's all I am saying! LOL!
    I am a virgo, for me, I don't like conflict. I would rather walk away. Big Hugs young lady ;o)

    1. LOL! I am sure that your brother is a very good person, Stacy. After all, he IS a PISCES!!! ;) BTW, I once dated a Virgo man and he was the sweetest guy and actually one of the few men I had ever known who could amdit when they were wrong about something! Virgos are also good people ~ like you, my dear!!! ;)

  5. ;o)))) You are too sweet ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
    (My brother is a good person sometimes! LOL!)

  6. As a pisces myself, I have found that deception is apart of my darkside as well as passive agressiveness. we are often portrayed as these saintly types of people becasue most of us want to help other people to a fault and for me having a darkside can be pretty useful and understanding it is even more useful. As a pisces I dont speak my mind that much and I sometimes sugar coat the truth, and emotions for me are often felt strongly and hardly expressed and my logic can be influenced by them.

  7. I'm a Pisces who often wonders whether i'm truly a pisces, because I find myself in the 'dark side' sometimes. I've gone to extremes to get even when I've been hurt, three times in the past. I cannot even describe what takes over me when I get to that extreme...even my body temperature rises for days at a time until I feel that I've avenged myself. The last time this happened...because of a love partner, I thought I was possessed for a while. But I schemed and plotted until I hurt him as bad as he hurt me.
    I am however, not physically violent. I am the nice, sweet, quiet girl who would give away everything to a person in need with no regrets. I have to try really hard not to be a doormat because people often try to take advantage of this. But I'm also pretty moody sometimes, and slightly shy and introverted. Also, like the poster above, I'm very deceptive- I could build up the most elaborate lies and have everybody believe every word of it.
    Being both of these is very confusing sometimes. I wish I could be good Pisces all the time.

  8. You should never double cross a Pisces. I am one and I love it. I'm the sweetest person until you hurt me. My last boyfriend thought I was going to slit his throat. Literally. I've never been violent I just need the attention to feel loved. If you upset me I'm not afraid to come to your house and speak my mind. I think other people wish they had the courage or are afraid of seeming crazy. Maybe I'm crazy, but not violent. I'd rather work my way into someone's head and hurt them that way.

  9. I am a Pisces and I just got out of a crazy relationship with a Aquarius everything was good my relationship our sex life everything was good I moved away from my family and friends to be with her and all the sudden everything changed she moved out she moved out with somebody else and left me alone I'm I've moved towards her area just for her it was hard for me because I didn't know what to do and I have a really bad anger issues and I was planning to do things that I shouldn't have thought about yes Siam a nice sweet guy and I get along with about everybody but when you care about somebody the way that I cared about her I wish I wish I wouldn't have everybody did knows me tells me that I am a compulsive liar and that I'm very good at it I don't know where comes from or how to do to stop it but I do lie a lot it's not to hurt anybody it's just first nature I guess I have A lot of good in me but the dark part of me is stronger than lightand I try to keep it in check but it's hard because it's hard to control my feelings and anger don't get me wrong I'm not a violent and I have never hurt anybody but I'm not afraid to speak my mind to speak how I feel rather it hurts someone or not

  10. its 100 percent true i am also pisces an i guess dat pisces never unveil their secrets an can be extremly dangerous an revengous one can never judge dem by their mood

  11. I am a pisces through and through but i am very open with everything i think. I wear who i am like a badge. What you see is what you get. I literally show all 12 signs in me. Im very headstrong about everything im after.

  12. Im a pisces with a sag moon. I get lazy with restlessness to get up and do things at the same time. Constant internal battle of do i participate in life or not. Im always either depressed or manic crazy. I came off all my meds a while back, trying to not be dependent on them so i could see my true self and fix my true self without meds. Im still off of them and refuse to go back on them. But man, let me tell you,my impulses are dangerous. Today ive already pushed my girlfriend into the wall(long long 7 yrs of her doing so much dirt and me tolerating it all. But i did it for no reason at all. It was just because ive been sick and tired of being in my house bored doing nothing but being on my dumbass phone that ive studied every subject on the planet and am still so bored..Scorpio girl by the way, ive accepted her in my life and know we will always have that bond,but being scorned, i take out All of my held in emotions on her)the memories of her shit trigger me to hit certain people when i come across them(even though i have "healed" for a while)i wont ever trust her again and my depression turns into rage everytime. Although, im usually very quiet and bother no one ever and draw, paint, dance or whatever im still so internally angry at everything inside, but not really on the outside. Weird i know
