Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spiritual consult ...

As a practitioner, I have been reading the tarot for many years now. Seldom, have I ever used them as spiritual guidance for myself because I have always felt that I am far "too close" to the matter at hand. But, lately an issue has arisen in my life that was so crutial that the need for comfirmation was strong!

I usually do my best to go with my "gut"  feelings or inner voice which, if I am smart, I will follow them. Although sometimes it is extremely difficult to see our way through a given situation and we sometimes find that further spiritual advice is needed. I will say here in this post the very same thing that I tell all of my clients for whom I read, and that is that the cards are merely a tool used as a method of guidance or personal confirmation of something that deep inside of us we are or may already be aware of! They can also be considered a type of warning as to what will happen if we continue on a path which we know in our hearts to be wrong or disasterous in the end.

Of course, we can not change our past, our present is exactly that, but we do have much control over our future outcomes. By listening to both our instincts and the cards, we have the choice to make an informed, although not always easy in some cases, decision. In my case, the cards served to strongly confirm my fears. On the other hand; however, by doing so they helped give me the clarity which I was so lacking in order to see my problem through.

I also did something else which I very rarely do and that is perform another reading in regards to the same issue using my same deck. Interestingly enough and yet not surprisingly, the reading came up with the same accuracy and warnings that the first did. Even though the cards were not exactly the same, the cards which had showed up from the rest of the deck held the very same types of warnings and where very clear! In other words, the reading itself had NOT changed. 

I personally still do not prefer to perform readings on myself. I find it difficult to keep my emotions in check just long enough to be able to maintain a clear head,  but I do realize that there are times when it may be necessary to do so.


  1. The fact that you received the same answer twice seems to confirm that the answer that you were seeking is the answer that you must consider.

    I do hope that all is well with you~

    1. Thank you, Jan! I do agree with you and I now know what I NEED to do in order to resolve my situation. I am okay. I just have to handle the issue and I feel that in time things will straighten out as they should.

      Many Blessings to you,


  2. I don't like doing readings for myself or family for that very reason. We're just too close to the situation and our wants/fears often interfere with the reading. However since you received the same message twice I'd listen to your instincts.

  3. I did that once a long time ago - but did it several times over a period of day. The cards (or Universe) finally had enough - lol --- and the cards that started coming up didn't make any sense at all. I guess they were telling me that I wasn't going to change their mind or my destiny.

  4. Interesting that both came out the same...seems that there would have been a little difference, even though along similar lines...however, you did get your advice from the cards...

  5. My friend, I do hope everything is alright ;o) Wishing you all the best ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thanks,Stacy. Things are just a bit crazy right now. A lot going on, but I am doing my best to work through them. ;) Hope all is well with you! Sending big hugs back to you my dear, sweet friend!

  6. Dear friend I am having a very difficulte time in my speritual walk I need help plz I need to talk to someone I hope u can help or could try my email address is
    Blessed Be

  7. I guess I'm a bit odd, I only do readings for myself. Sometimes I just like to see what I should be aware of, sometimes I need advice about a certain issue. Sometimes I need assurance that a difficult situation that I'm in is going to be ok. At one point I was in the habit of doing daily one card readings to make myself prepared for the day. It was always such a nice start to the day. I haven't done any readings in quite some time now. I would love to get back to my daily readings. Getting the same reading twice is a big sign. I hope everything works out for you.
