Sunday, August 18, 2013

OMG, I am turning into my mother!

Good day ALL! Just a little update in regards to my current situation. I saw my family doctor this past Monday morning. He went over my blood tests from last Saturday. He said that my blood pressure was fine, my good and bad cholesterol was good, my thyroid was "perfect" but my sugar level was too high. None of which has anything at all to do with my horrible hair loss! Incidentally, he also put me on an even stricter diet than I have been on. Because of my high sugar, I am no longer supposed to have pasta, pizza,  or anything processed or "man-made" as he described it.

As you can see from the above pic, I have been taking A LOT of supplements from daily Multi-vitamins to Biotin to Vitamin D, zinc ... you  name it. Between my hubby and myself, I have had to make room on a shelf in our bathroom medicine cabinet for both of our over-the-counter "drugs."

He referred me to a Dermatologist thinking that my medical issue may have something to do with my eczema which I have always had, but never caused this type of problem before. He said that Head & Shoulders is good to use in the meantime because there is a chemical in it that helps your scalp. I am scheduled to see a specialist next Monday morning and, hopefully, I will finally be able to get to the bottom of it! Can't tell you how many tears of frustration I have cried over this, but I am still trying to stay positive. I also want to give a huge "thank you" to my sweet friend and fellow blogger, Stacy, for her wonderful support ~  You are THE BEST!!

With my dear friend Judy B.
On a different note, last night I had dinner with one of my long time dear friends. It was the perfect pick-me-up which I have been so much in need of with everything that has been going on lately.  Had a really good time!


  1. Sending good blessings for your speedy recovery.
    Take care.

  2. No pasta? LOL That would drive me crazy! Hope the dermatologist can help.

    Blessings, Viv

  3. Kim, I am so sorry to hear that you are having health issues! I am sending positive thoughts to you and will keep you in my thoughts each day. Cry those tears as much and as often as you like! It is our body's way of helping us to release some of the pressure that builds-up when we can't handle a situation any other way.

    You are so right, Kim. Stacy is a fantastic and caring friend...I am so happy that she came into my life :}

    Great Big Hugs,

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and caring words Jan. You have no idea how much I do appreciate it! And I agree with you, sometimes the only way to release stress IS trough our tears.

      Love always


  4. I'm going to disagree with your doctor. Before I found out I was diabetic, my hair was really thin and stringy. I tried several vitamins and none worked. Then I work up in ICU and I didn't care about my hair. Finally, after I got out of the hospital, I asked my doctor and she told my sugar had been so high for so long that nutrients couldn't get to my hair. My body so busy struggling to do something with the excess sugar that it could barely do anything else. She told me when I got my sugar under control, my hair would come back. And it did.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more, Free Dragon! For all of their education, I still say that doctors do NOT know everything! Thank you for sharing your story with me.


  5. Take care, hopefully an answer will finally find its way to you. Nothing worse than not knowing what the heck is causing your troubles. Keeping you in my thoughts!

    1. Thank you, my dear friend! Many blessings to you!

  6. Hey Kim ;o) Everything will work out the way it's suppose to be! Keep smiling, even through your tears ;o) We all go through so many things, don't we! I guess life would be boring, if everything was perfect all the time. Maybe not? LOL!
    You look beautiful in the picture! I'm happy you had a great time with your friend ;o)
    You are in my thoughts and prayers!
    Big Hugs and lots of love, xoxoxox

    1. I certainly hope so, Stacy! Thank you again for your kindness and support. It means so much to me!



  7. The stupid thing with hair loss is that all changes are slow. I wish you good luck finding the cause of it! Have your hormone levels been checked?

    1. I have not yet been to the gynecologist about it because my doctor referred me to a dermatologist first. I will see him next Monday. GOD, I wish I oould have gotten in sooner, but ... you know doctors. :(

  8. ...sending biggest healing bubbles! ~ keep thine inspirational muse close! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(O:

  9. am so happy to hear that the source of your troubles might have been found. Thank goodness not your thyroid. You have a great doctor. It is good he immediately took action !!
    Have a great day and I hope you will be feeling better.
