Monday, August 26, 2013

Sincere "Thanks" and an update ...

Good evening, my friends! First of all, I would like to send out my sincere graditute and thanks to ALL of you for your kind words and positive thoughts! I am very blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful and caring friends!  :)

Now, for an update on what has been going on. I went to see the Dermatologist this morning as scheduled. He asked me a series of questions i.e. had I had blood tests done to rule out medical problems such as thyroid,  diabetes, etc. He asked me if I had a family history of skin cancer or pattern baldness .... to all of which were negative. I explained to him about my traumatic weight loss (35 pounds in less than three months through strict dieting and vigorous excerise). He looked at my scalp and told me that my eczema is not the cause of my extreme hair loss and that he believes I have something known as, "Telogen Effluvium" which is when your system, for various reasons, goes into a huge shock and this affects your hair growth cycle. Hair falls out quickly, but grows back very slowly because it does not constantly grow out on a daily basis due to its' biological stages. This can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to correct itself to the point where your body adjusts to a new diet or even stress.

He informed me that my hair will continue to fall out, but will grow back (hope so!). He also gave me medication to help the growth along a little faster (albeit not instantly) and told me to continue taking Biotin, Zinc, and my Multi-vitamins. BTW, he said that Biotin is important because it is one supplement which is NOT found enough of in any foods we eat ~ including greens. Certainly not enough to help us or make any difference what-so-ever. I am also using a medicated shampoo three times a week for the eczema, but I was, of course, advised not to use any hair color until my systems cycle is "right" again.

Long and short of it, if he is correct, I will have to deal with being almost bald for a while but the good news would be my hair will grow back eventually. If that is the case, I can definately handle it! (Although I am getting kinda tired of pulling hairs out of my bra, clothing, arms, underwear, and butt!!) LOL!

Until next time, Brightest Blessings to ALL!


  1. Oh Kim I am so sorry to hear that you have been having health problems. I loose my hair when I get stress it just comes out in handfuls. I am like you have always had a good head of hair and not missed the daily bit that comes out with brushing. My hair is just growing back at the moment after a few bald patches at the back of my parting. It comes out quickly and always seems to grow back just as quick it is stubble at the moment,its alopecia areata that I have. I started massaging essential oils into my scalp about 10yrs ago when it was quite bad and this does help I'm sure, the massage stimulates the hair growth and it always comes back very healthy so it must do some good. I use Lavender, Rosemary and Thyme on mine and when I have no bald patches I still continue to massage the oils in to keep it in good condition, it works for me. Hope you soon start to feel yourself again. Love and blessings to you, Jill xx

    1. Jill ~ You are so right about the causes of this problem. STRESS plays a major factor I have no doubt. I am glad you found something that helps! Great idea about the Lavender, Rosemary & Thyme!

      Much love,


  2. I am keeping you in my thoughts and once things settle and balance, your hair will start back to its normal cycle and pattern. Blessings to you, take care!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend!

      Love and Blessings to you,


  3. ...biggest hugs dear kindred! ~ may time ~ share it's healing ~ and may the positive muses stay close by thine side!...(O:

    1. Thank you so much and many blessings to you, my sister!



  4. Kim, you keep your spirits up and do what you can to help this situation that you are faced with. You are a beautiful lady inside and out (I mean this) and your hair is not a factor. I just love your smile! Your face just glows when I see you in photos, so I smile, too :)

    My sister lost all of her hair when she had to go through her breast cancer treatments. Her doctor advised her to take prenatal vitamins and her hair is coming back in nicely.

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Jan, I think that is most probably THE nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

      I have heard about taking prenatal vitamins for breast cancer like your sister is taking and I have heard good things about them from the women I work with.

      Much love to you, my dear friend ~


  5. Kim, you made me laugh on the last line of your post! LOL! Keep smiling and keep laughing! You are a terrific person and I am sure everything will start turning around for you! I just read what Jill wrote. I might try the lavender, rosemary and thyme!
    Know that you are loved and cared for! I am sending you positive thoughts your way!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
