Saturday, August 31, 2013

This and That

Happy Saturday ALL!!! Hope everyone is well! Just wanted to share a couple of things with you. First thing is that I am thinking about having another "Countdown to Mabon" Give-away just like last years' where I make handmade autumn/fall crafts/decorations for Mabon for my friends and followers to win. Even if you are not Wiccan, these crafts are NOT necessarily Pagan specific i.e., Leafy Lanterns, Scented Bottles, etc.  Please, I would love to have your input on this!

And secondly, if you happen to be a friend on my Facebook page, you can see that I have been on a sort of 70's kick lately! For better or worse, I have always LOVED David Cassidy. He was and still is such a wonderful performer and awesome talent! One of few so-called "teen idols" who never quite got the credit he truly deserved! I saw this clip on You Tube last weekend and just HAD to buy the CD, "Cassidy Live ~ 1974!"  Even though Cassidy hated playing Blubblegum music back in the 70's, and after you listen to this CD (which includes the above song) you can definitely understand WHY he did, he later came to appreciate his "Partridge Family" music days. David was a real rock musician!

Have a great weekend ALL!!!!


  1. Kim, I would love a chance to win a "give-away" of yours for your Countdown to Mabon"!!!

    David Cassidy was a "cutie" on "Partridge Family"...ah! the good ol' days :D

    Have a great weekend also, Kim!!!


    1. Thanks, Jan! And, YES, David was most certainly a cutie and a hottie!! LOL!!! :)



  2. Wonderful !!! I had a poster of David above my bed ; )

    Autumn gifts are Always big fun. I still treasure the little Halloween cat book I got from you ; )

    Have a magical day !!

  3. Hi, I just flew by to say I couldn't comment on your other blog. I love the pictures, so sweet !!

    1. Hmmm, that is odd. The only thing I changed lately was the setting for "anonymous" comments because I was getting VERY frustrated with ignorant people leaving nasty, insulting, and vulgar comments on that blog. My sincere apologies, my friend. Thank you for the heads up! :)

    2. You're very welcome. It said I had to be a team member to be able to comment. Maybe I can comment now. I will have a look see ; )

  4. Your giveaways are always so much fun Kim! Just make things light, so you don't have to pay a lot for shipping! David Cassidy is a little before my time, but I still think he was a cutey ;o) Big Hugs Kim ;o) Hope everything is well ;o) xoxoxo

  5. I too had a David Cassidy poster, it was on my bedroom wall, I had Teen magazines too. I remember seeing his face on all the teen magazines..

    I would love to enter your giveaway, you have the greatest goodies. Thank you for sharing.

  6. ...this post just rocked! ~ blessed be!...(O:
