Sunday, September 01, 2013

Countdown to Mabon Wiccan Life Give-Away!!!

Thank you all for your wonderful and very positive responses!! I truly love doing them and I so much appreciate the fact that you all seem to enjoy them so much!

So, without further ado I now officially announce my "Wiccan Life Countdown to Mabon Give-away!!!" So, why am I so excited to have another one this year? Well, there are two really good reasons to love the season of Fall and they would be  Mabon/Autumn Equinox and Samhain ~ not to mention my wedding was on one particular September Saturday afternoon on Mabon 2001! 

Okay, so here goes ...  I grabbed my handy little hobby case from out of the closet and went crazy! The first give-away prize is one of my medium-sized handmade Autumn Wreaths ...
The second, is my Large handmade Heart-shaped Mabon Witch Bottle scented with the essential oils and herbs for abundance and the season of Autumn ...

And the third prize is a print of my own Fall poem titled, "Painted Leaves" set in an 8 X 10 inch frame ...

 As per usual, in order to have a chance to win any of these gifts, you must be a follower of this blog and you must leave a message in the comment section of this post letting me know that you would like to be included in the drawing. The drawing will be held on Saturday, September 14th.

Blessings to ALL!!


  1. Your blog attracted me when I was at Jan's so don't count me in for winning anything I was curious I love what you made though very special

    1. Also, in answer to your question about my blog heading quite, that was Teilhard de Chardin - "“Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves”

      Brightest Blessings,


  2. ...greetings again dear heart! ~ thine muse hath been quite to for much busy! ~ beautiful treasures! ~ each and every one! ~ blessed be!...(O:

  3. Kim, Everyone one of these fabulous "give-away gifts" will be a treasure for whoever is lucky enough to win one, and of course I am always hoping that I am one of them :)

    Can't wait to see the winners!!!

    Big Hugs,

  4. Hi Kim, you have been very busy. Such lovely treasures.
    Have a magical day.

  5. Saturday September 14th, a magical day! My brother's birthday and our very good friend's birthday, who is turning 90 this year! We are going to her celebration that day ;o) She is a beautiful lady, that has went through so much and never complains about anything!
    So, with this being such a magical day, that means, I am winning everything! LOL!
    Big Hugs Kim! xoxoxoxo

  6. Hi Kim, all are wonderful prizes. It is so hard to choose.. If I am lucky enough to win I think that you should pick a prize for me. I am a follower and oh so dedicated.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda!! I am blessed to have such a kind and caring friend following my blog! I am rooting for you, girl!! And, yes, I would be very honored to pick one for you!

      Many Blessings,


  7. Hi, Kim. This is the first I've seen your blog. Shared it so that my daughter has access to it as well. They all look wonderful and unique! My favorite would probably be the Witch Bottle, with "Painted Leaves" running a close second. Blessed be!

  8. I read your blog. does that mean I follow it? (I'm one of these older crones who plays with the computer but doesn't always know a lot about the newer stuff. Anyway I love your Autumn wreaths ( I love Autumn anyway - it's my absolute favorite season

    Blessings to you


    1. Welcome Bonnie!! Yes, of course you are indeed a member for following my blog! I am 49 years old and have always been and still AM what I call "technologically (or) computer impaired"!! LOL!!! I understand what you are saying and I will happily add you to my give-away if you like! I am so glad you like my wreaths. Autumn is my favorite season, too!!!

      Brightest Blessings,


  9. I follow your blog and through networked blogs as well. Love the things you do, they are beautiful! Please enter me in your contest, I would be proud to have any one of your works of art! I also love this time of year and the changes coming!
    And congratulations for another happy year, and for the new one to come! ;)
    PS Love your beautiful cat friends! I have 4 as well.

    1. Greetings Alice! Good to hear from you, my friend! I have added you to the drawiing. ;)



  10. I love this! I have my first official celebration of Mabon, Samhain, and Yule coming up! Even though I was taught that witchcraft an paganism are bad (my family are Jehovah's Witnesses) I have always felt so nostalgic and happy and peaceful around it, like I was meant to follow a Pagan path. Even when I was a child I didn't know it then but felt drawn to more Celtic Paganism and I would even leave offerings to the Fae even though I didn't really know why, it just felt natural. I am in the broom closet so to speak but I am happy anyway as long as I can study and practice and love my Lord and Lady! Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling I'm just excited! I also saw the solitary Mabon ritual and that will help guide me for sure! Oh, and do I have to click something to follow your blog? Bright blessings to you! )o(

    1. Merry Meet Christine!! Your story sounds much like my own, except that I was raised into the Luthern faith as a child.:)

      All you need to do is click on the Join this site (Google Friend connect) and it will guide as to what you need to do (very easy). Or, if you are on Facebook you can join that way by clicking on the Follow this blog under the NetworkedBLogs block - both to the right on my sidebar.

      Blessings, my friend~


    2. Thank you so much for replying! And I wanted to say that the crafts you make are all beautiful!!!

    3. I think I'm following your blog now. I subscribed through Facebook. :D

    4. Yes, and welcome to our awesome group of friends Christine! Hopefully, you will find a few things on my blog that will be of some help to you should you wish it. Also, thank you so very much for your kind comments, you are welcome to join in on my Countdown to Mabon Give-away. Just let me know before Saturday and I will be happy to add your name to the drawing!

      Many blessings,


    5. I would love to join the give-away! Thank you! I'm sure I will find tons of information to help me along! Blessings to you! ;D

  11. What a loving give-away. I am so happy to be a part of your blog!

    Blessing to you!!!

    1. Why, thank you, Trudy! I am so very glad that you enjoy it!

      Many Blessibgs,


  12. Oh, if I happen to win than I would love for you to choose for me if that's okay! Good luck to everyone and thank you for being such a wonderful generous person! Blessed be!

    1. I would be more than happy to do that for you, my friend! ;)


