Friday, September 20, 2013

Fun Friday and a tribute

Happy Friday! Wow, it sure has been a long week for me at work and I, for one, am looking forward to the weekend and celebrating Mabon!!!
It's been a little while since I posted a "Fun Friday," and so I thought I would share a video or two of one of my very favorite 80's groups, Men At Work. These guys just blew me away the first I heard them on the radio. I love, love, loved Greg Ham! Greg was such an awesome talent. He played, and played extremely well, multiple instruments. From the catchy flute riff on the group's hit song, "Down Under" (which won them a Grammy Award  for "Best New Artist" in 1983) to the sexy but jazzy saxophone solo in "Who Can It Be Now?," yet another of many number one hits during the span of this band's muscial career.

"Down Under" ~ Men At Work

"I Can See It in Your Eyes"/"People Just Love to Play With Words"
 Men At Work live in Ontario, Canada where Ham showcases his talents by playing both the keyboards and sax at the same time

In addition to the flute and sax, he also played the keyboard, guitar, and harmonica as well which, along with lead singer Colin Hay's distinctive voice, made Men At Work's music and style so easily recognizable. 

On a more personal note, I not only appreciated Greg Ham's music, but as a teenager I thought he was sooo adorable (and he sure was, baby)! With those big bright blue eyes, blonde hair and pouty lips, he definately made me look twice  ~ LOL!  

Unfortunately, he passed away last April at the age of 58. Sadly, not only Australia, but the world has lost a wonderfully talented musical artist. Those closest to him have said that he was a "beautiful man" and "never judged anyone." As for me, I will miss him as well. In my opinion,  Greg Ham was the heart and soul of the group Men At Work. 


  1. I hope for you to have an amazing Mabon weekend. May it bring you much happiness and great joy. I am working on my alter and a new post, with an amazing full moon.

    E-mail to follow soon today.

  2. Dear Lady Caer Morganna,
    How do I contact you regarding 'sharing' one of your articles in my newsletter? I would like to share your 'Solitary Samhain Ritual' with my readers.
    I know they would enjoy it as much as I did!
    I would of course credit you and provide a link to your amazing web site.
    Thank you

    1. Merry Meet Maxine!

      I would indeed be honored if you choose to share my Solitary Samhain Ritual. Please feel free to do so!

      Brightest Blessings,

      Lady Caer Morganna

    2. Thank you so very much. I can not begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading your wonderful and inspirational articles. You ARE truly a 'Lady'

    3. Maxine ~ Should you wish to contact me further for any reason, my e-mail address is:

      Lady Caer Morganna


  3. Great post Kim ;o) I want to wish you a blessed Mabon! Big Hugs ;o) oxxoxo

    1. Thanks Stacy, and to you as well my dear friend!!! <3

      Hugs to you,


  4. Hohn yes, great dude, great tribute, awesome group :)
