Monday, September 16, 2013

The "One Lovely Blog" Award!!

Greetings ALL! Over the weekend, I found out that I was nominated for the "One Lovely Blog" award given to me by Alice M.! I first met Alice about a year ago while visiting her amazing blog, "For the Love of Life: Alice's World!" I enjoyed her blog so much that I became a follower. She, herself, is such a very lovely person so please be sure to stop on over at her blog and say hello! Thank you so much Alice!

Now for the hard part. Trying to tell you all seven things about myself that you don't already know ...

1) When I began my Wiccan Life blog, I originally meant for it to be merely a teaching tool so to speak for those who were new to the religion/faith of Wicca/Paganism, but soon realized that there were and are so many other wonderful and caring bloggers out there many of whom I now call my "friends"! :)
2)  I have been a PA Notary Public for 23 years now.
3)  I love pretty much all kinds of movies, but must admit that I simply must watch both "The Godfather" and "Goodfellas" every single time it is on the TV. (can't help it, I love Al Pacino and Ray Liotta) LOL!
4) I trained my very first bunny to use the cat's litterbox and to do a U-turn when I said his name whenever he misbehaved by trying to chew electrical wires, phone cords, etc. NO lie!!!
5) I enjoy going to see muscials and was fortunate enough to see "Chicago" with Bebe Neuwirth, "Evita," "Jesus Christ Superstar," "Secret Garden," and "Phantom of the Opera" just to name a few.
6) I had the chance to meet and speak with renowned Wiccan author, "Silver Ravenwolf" at a local seminar she was having on Pennsylvania Dutch Pow Wow.
7) If I could live anywhere other than PA, it would most likely be Florida.

Here are my seven blog choices to pass this award on to:

So there you have it, my friends and here's wishing everyone a great week!!


  1. Yay! I loved reading some facts on you and you definitely deserve The One Lovely Blog! I hope you also have a great week! :D

  2. WOW!!! I cannot thank you enough! It just makes me feel so special and to meet you over the weekend EXTRA special! I'm excited to meet the other bloggers who won too! So I guess I have to post 7 things about me...hmmmm...I'll think about it and post tomorrow while everyone is having tea! Thank you again! Rasz

  3. Oh wow thank-you so much!! I feel very honoured it is so kind of you. I'm still so new to this blogging world and still don't feel like I know what I'm doing!!! So I now pass it on to 7 people yes? I've been seeing it going around. Do I have to nominate blogs that haven't had it already? blessings, Alison xx

    1. Alison ~ You are very welcome! And, Yes, to both questions. ;)

      Brightest Blessings,


  4. Hi Kim -Thanks for thinking of me and for the nomination! I am really honored! I am sooo tied up right now with my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge and shows coming up in October,that I can't even think of this now. I know I won't be able to respond to this on my blog anytime soon. If you want to nominate someone else in my place, I totally understand. Thanks again though! Hugs, Sandy

    1. Sandy, not at all! You deserve the nomination and do not worry about how long it takes you to respond, honestly! Please feel free to except it ... from me ;)



  5. Congrats on the award Kim! This is your second time, right? ;o) You are popular! Great knowing more about you my friend ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  6. Thank you so much! I feel so special! Mom promises to help my nominate 7 blogs as soon as she can. I can't wait to tell you more about me! Plus I will get to make 7 others feel special too!

    Have a purrfectly wonderful weekend!


  7. Thank you for the kind words! Bunnys! I love bunnys! I used to have a pure black one, named Ricky, she was kitty littler trained (I really think the cats trained her) she was 2 months old when I got her. It was nice learning more about you. Look forward to learning more!


  8. Thank you so much! Sorry I took so long to reply but had an emergency commputer situation!
