Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy Saturday! And the winners are ...

Good morning, my dear friends! I am now ready to announce the winner's in my "Countdown to Mabon Give-away" drawing. Of course, the cats happily offered to lend a paw or two to assist me...

Okay, here they are ...

The winner of the Mabon Wreath is Alice M. from her blog, "For the Love of Life: Alice's World!"

The winner of the Mabon Witch Bottle is Christine Fenner!

And the 8X10 framed "Painted Leaves" poem goes to Linda from her blog, "Moments in an Eye"! Linda , BTW, had asked me to pick a prize for her should her name be drawn. Linda, I hope you are pleased with the one I picked for you. ;)

Congrats to all of the winners and, again, many thanks to everyone who participated! As always, I would have loved to have been able to give you all something, but I am planning more give-aways in the near future. 

If the winner's could please e-mail me their address within the next three days at, I would be happy to send you your gifts! As per usual, if I do not receive your e-mail claiming your gift within the three days, another name will will picked.  :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Congratulations all of you lucky winners!!! Great job done by the "furry ones"~

    Big Hugs, to Kim for the fun~~~

    1. Thank you so very much, my dear friend! The cats are always so much fun everytime I have these give-aways. You know cats, they MUST be in the middle of all that is going on no matter what it is! LOL!

      Huge hugs ,


  2. Big congratulations to all! And I am so blessed and honored to receive the Mabon Witch Bottle! Thank you so much! I just sent an email with my address. I am so excited! Again, Congratulations to the other winners and Blessings to all! And thank you again for your generosity and for sharing your beautiful talents and blog with us. Oh, and I love that your sweet kitties helped out! I do that a lot with my cat when I'm trying to make up my mind :D )o( I hope my comment doesn't posted twice. if it does I'm sorry, my computer decided to throw a fit.

    1. Christine ~ I am so very happy that you won the Witch Bottle just in time for your first Mabon celebration! I remember my first Mabon as a solitary and it is very exciting - an experience I am sure you will never forget! I received your e-mail with your address and Thank you!

      Blessings to you,


  3. Congrats everyone! You are very lucky!! Kim, give big hugs to the kitties for me ;o) Many blessings my friend ;o) xoxoxox

  4. ...uber awesomeness for the receivers! ~ blessed be!...(O:

  5. Thank you so much! I actually came here to nominate you for the "One Lovely Blog Award"! And I found out I won your beautiful "Mabon Wreath"! Thank you again and congrats to all the other winners as well. Sent my info to you ;)

    Here is my post address for the award, if you chose to accept. ;)
