Sunday, December 22, 2013

Another reason to celebrate ...

Greetings all, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Yule! Yesterday was an extremely busy day for me. In the early afternoon, my hubby and I attended his aunt and uncle's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party. Wow, imagine that, 60 years and still as much in love as ever! Eventhough it was held indoors, the weather was beautiful here ~ in the mid 60's and sunny so it was a nice day for all their family and friends who joined them in celebration. 

Since this was a biggie, our gift to them was a sliver and white musical snowglobe with the word, "Forever" inside the glass ball, and played, "The Wedding March." It was really quite lovely.

Then, last night I set up my altar downstairs and performed a solitary Yule ritual. I would have actually preferred to celebrate with my dear friend Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and her coven this year, but as usual time just simply got away from me with the holiday season already here ...

Although I do enjoy the holidays, I can not wait to have a bit of "down time" when it is all over.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. What a very special day Kim ;o) 60 years! Congrats ;o) Your gift sounds lovely! Your altar looks beautiful! The holidays are so special, but it does go by too fast! Big Hugs ;o)
