Sunday, December 22, 2013

Surprise mail!

One of the many reasons in which I enjoy blogging as much as I do, is because of all of the wonderful, caring friends I have met along the way. The special group of friends I have been blessed to interact with via the blog-o-sphere have been nothing less than, among other things, supportive and I am very proud to be able to call them my "friends."

A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to actually meet one of my dear blogger friends, Robin Larkspur from Wiccan Writes while on en route with my hubby and family to Ontario, Canada. We shared a very special lunch at a Cracker Barrell in New York and I will always be forever grateful for that opportunity ...

Yesterday, after hubby and I arrived home from his aunt and uncle's anniversary party, I received a wonderful surpise in the mail. It was an awesome little gift from Robin! Along with a beautiful Yule card to both my hubby and myself, she gave me this really GREAT book of cat carols ~ I just love it! Thank you so much, Robin, from the bottom of my heart ...

 And, speaking of special gifts, about a week ago I also received a another very personal Yule card and gift from another very dear friend of mine, Stacy from Magic Love Crow! A beautiful set of silver charms ~ a  gorgeous mermaid and a heart in two really nice carrier bags ...

The other side of the mermiad charm has the word, WISH engraved on it. Thank you so much Stacy, I carry them in my purse so that they are with me everywhere I go!

Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of the weekend!!


  1. Hey Kim ;o) I don't know if you have been around to my blog, but we had no power for 2 days and on the third day, it kept flicking! We had lots of fun! LOL!
    I love the picture of you and Robin and I love what Robin sent you! So much fun! Enjoy the treats I sent ;o)
    By the way, I got something very special from you!! Kim, you shouldn't have! I love the set and will wear them and cherish them always! Love you!!!

    1. So glad you finally got my gift in the mail! I was getting a little worried! LOL! I am happy you like it and it so reminded me of your emblem on your return addess labels. You truly are "Magic Love Crow!" Good to hear you got your electric back as well and that you made the best of it! LOL!!

      Love always,

  2. How lovely. Merry Christmas and Happy Yule

  3. Happy holiday, I hope 2014 brings you much happiness.
