Sunday, January 05, 2014

A little something to look forward to ...

Well, with the holidays of Yule, Christmas and New Year's behind us, we can now look forward to Imbolg ~ a time for us all to start anew. Just like the besom, Imbolg represents the "sweeping out of the old and bringing in the new." It is a good time to rid ourselves of all the negative or unwanted things in our lives which we no longer want or need to hold on to and look forward to a better year than the last!

As much as I enjoy the holidays, I, for one, am definitely glad that the year 2013 is past. I must say that it had been a rather difficult one for many, including my family which ended in my dear, sweet 81 year old father being rushed to the hospital on New Year's Eve where he has been since. 

The good news; however, is that he seems to be getting better with each passing day of the new year and he is in good spirits as he is already talking about what he wants to do when he goes home. I have always admired my father for his positive attitude. His motto: "Things could always be worse, and remember, as bad as you may think things are, there is always someone else out there who has it much worse than you do." Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn't it? He is a very kind and caring man who would offer you the shirt off of his back or a helping hand to a stranger in need. I remember a couple of years ago, while he was having his second pacemaker put in, he was joking with all of the nurses and making them laugh just as he is doing now. I told him just yesterday, "I'll bet the doctors and nurses wish they had more patients like you!" LOL!!

Still, all things aside,  I am extremely hopeful that this year will bring us all health, love, happiness, and most of all peace.


  1. Beautiful poem, Kim.

    I am also happy that 2013 has ended. We lost two dear friends, my god-mother/aunt and my dear father-in-law this year. I am always hopeful that a new year brings renewal for tired hearts and souls.

    I do hope that you father will improve each day and also wishes for a better year for us all.

    Lovely post, dear Kim

    1. Very well said, my sister! Thank you so much for my father's get well wishes ~ I very much appreciate your thoughtful words!

      Big hugs to you! <3


  2. I Share your Sentiments, 2013 was a rough year for our Family too, but 2014 has begun with much Hope and Positive Energies. I'm glad to hear that your Dear Dad is improving... he sounds so much like my own Parents, a similar Attitude and Outlook. My Dad stayed Positive and with Great Sense of Humor right up until he passed from Time into Eternity... and my 81 year old Mom is the Life of the Party at the Nursing Home she resides in, she brightens everyone's day. Happy New Year from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. Hi Kim ;o) Your father sounds like such a sweetheart! A very good soul indeed ;o) I am so happy he is doing better ;o) Give him a big hug from me ;o)
    I have to say, 2013, was an interesting year for me. A year for growth.
    2012, was a bad year for me, but then again, I learned alot!
    2014 has to be a great year for all! Many blessings for everyone ;o) I can feel it! I am excited ;o)
    I love what you wrote and I love the picture!
    Big Hugs ;o)
