Sunday, January 05, 2014

New crafts for Imbolg

This afternoon we had some rather nasty freezing rain on top of yesterday's 6 inches of snow. So I thought since I was pretty much stuck indoors today, I would work on some more of my handmade crafts and decorations. These are my two new additions for this year's Imbolg ...

The lantern was a Yule gift from a good friend of mine. It is made by Yankee Candle Company and you can use it two ways ~ you can burn the candle or you can turn on the light inside of the top of the lantern which heats up the candle wax in the jar and gives off a wonderful aroma throughout the entire house! Very cool, I just love it!!!


  1. That is beautiful, and I love the header of your blog!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend! Many Blessings to you!

    2. You are so very welcome my dear friend!

      You're welcome to follow my blog at, for I'd love having you as a follower.

  2. Beautiful Kim!! We have had so much snow!! It's over me now!! One good thing, I have been getting lots of great excersize ;o) LOL! I can't wait for Imbolg ;o)

  3. Oh I love that lantern! Beautiful!

  4. Greetings! Long time lurker of your fantastic blog here. I wanted to let you know that I've nominated your blog for a couple awards.You can find the post here:

    As always, looking forward to your next post!
