Friday, February 21, 2014

The ABC Award

Whoa, little ole me? LOL! I 'd like to give my warmest "Thank You" to Marietta from her fanastically informative blog, "Witchy Words" for nominating my blog for this very special award! Marietta is a great gal whose blog is not only informative, but has fresh and inovative ideas for her followers. I enjoy it very much!

In turn for accepting this award, there are three conditions
  • Download the award logo and add it to your acceptance post.
  • Nominate a few fellow bloggers.
  • Take each letter of the alphabet and use it to tell something about yourself

Ok, well let's start with my list of blogs:

Magic Love Crow
Wiccan Writes
Cottage Tails
Rasz Art
Foxy's World
Eilis in Wonderland
Cherry City Kitties
Cheapskate Blethering

A ~ Artist. For as long as I can remember I have always loved to draw and create crafts. Many of which I use in my Wiccan practice.
B ~ Beloved by my fur babies
C ~Clergy for Universal Life Church since 2003
D ~ Dispise injustice and cruelty
E ~ Embrace the Wiccan path 
F ~  Friendly
G ~ Graceful. (actually, that is not entirely true, but I can dream can't I? LOL)
H ~ Happy to help anyone in need
I ~ Impractical at times
J ~ Just a gal tries to be the best person she possibly can
K ~ Knowledgable in the Wiccan ways
L ~ Love cats!!!
M ~ Mermaids. I am an avid collector of various Mermaid things
N ~ Never tolerate predjudice
O ~ Over 40! LOL!
P ~ Practice the 13 goals of a witch every day
Q ~ Quite laid back actually
R ~ Relate to others problems fairly easily
S ~ Savor the special moments in my life and those persons I hold dear to me
T ~ Take my personal faith very seriously
U ~ Undeniably friendly
V ~ Very responsible  :)

W ~ Worship the Mother Goddess and Father God
X ~ Extremely open-minded
Y ~ Yurn to endure life's many challenges
Z ~ Hmm, tough one, I would have to say Z's as in I can never get enough of those these days!  ;)

Shew! And there you have it! :)


  1. Kim! Great stuff! I applaud you! That was a lot of work! LOL! Congrats on the award! This was fun to read! I accept my nomination ;o) Thankyou ;o) But, I don't know if I am going to be able to do it! LOL! Big Hugs ;o)

  2. An award very much deserved. Thank you for writing! Keep up the fantastic work!
