Friday, February 21, 2014

Looking forward to Spring at last!!

Greetings all! I hope everyone had a very blessed Imbolg! As per usual, things have been a tad hectic for the past couple of months. As most of you probably already know, my father was admitted into Reading Hospital on New Year's Eve and remained there for a total of three weeks. From there, he was sent directly to Manor Care Rehab Hospice facility for another three weeks. I am happy to be able to say that huge thanks to his awesome doctors and nurses who did a great job in contributing to his recovery (and his extremely positive attitude the entire time), he is finally back home again where he belongs. 

A pic of my dad, me and my mom taken on Thanksgiving Day ~ 2013

 Meanwhile, our beloved kitty, Mr. Midnight, is continuing with his Laser Therapy sessions at Eagle's Peak Animal Hospital for his athritis. His Vet Technician and Therapist, Danielle, who has been documenting her patients progress from session to session showed me the videos she had recently been making and I must say that it simply astounded me!! Dogs and cats in need of therapy after a major surgery and even animals who were paralyzed and could barely walk not only recovered very quickly, but most after only one or two treatments were running around shaking there behinds in excitement. It has done wonders for Midnight and now he only needs to go for his treatments about once a month. This is such a great alternative to putting your pet on meds and it REALLY DOES work!!!

Danielle treating her "star patient" Midnight

We also bought a really cool  handmade carpeted ramp for him for those off days when he needs a little help getting up and down on the sofa ...

Well, I don't know about you guys, but around these parts we are sooo ready for Spring! The winter has been quite brutal this year and the horrible snow fall mixed with ice began about a week before Yule and continued to give us bad weather conditions every single week after ...

With Ostara and the Spring Equinox soon approaching, the temperatures are gradually warming up here, but suffice it to say, we are ALL impatiently waiting for Spring!


  1. Wonderful news about your Dad Kim. Glad he's back home and going well! Good to hear also that Midnight's treatments are helping him!

    1. Thanks, Richard! Goes without saying that it has been one crazy year already so far! LOL!

  2. Hey Kim ;o) Great to see you and hear from you! I am so happy your father is well ;o) And, I am so happy Midnight is well ;o)
    We have the same snow and ice! I would like it better, with less ice. I have to admit, I do love winter ;o) I love the snow ;o) I know it's not nice driving in it, but I don't mind it at all. I know, I am crazy! LOL!
    But, I will be happy for Spring ;o) It is time ;o)
    Big Hugs and lots of love ;o) xoxoxo
