Monday, March 24, 2014

Another busy weekend ...

Well, it's Monday already and as per usual the weekend just flew on by me! However, it was quite productive. Friday night, I re-arranged my little Altar Room in order to set-up a small but workable area for my crafting projects. I don't know what exactly it is about making crafts that relaxes me, but it seems to be almost theraputic in nature.

Here are a few more things that I have been working on so far ...

  Small Beltane wreath

 Beltane Basket for May flowers

Large Beltane Wreath

Large Imbolg Wreath

Small Ostara Wreath

Small Yule Wreath
Medium Fall wreath

Small Mabon wreath

Small Midsummer/Litha wreath

Small Fouth of July wreath

Small Spring wreath

Small Cat wreath

Small Nautical Wreath #1

Small Nautical Wreath #2

Some of these wreaths are going to be given away to friends as gifts and some of them I would like to hang around the house. These wreaths are not at all difficult to make. In fact, all you really need is a plain wreath, a glue gun and glue sticks, ribbon, and your imagination!


  1. You are an amazing, talented, artist, dear Kim!!! It may be glue sticks, and ribbon, but it is your hands and talent that create your stunning wreaths~

    Big Hugs

  2. Kim, you have been busy girl! I really love them all! Great imagination! I can understand crafting being relaxing ;o) It's like when I paint ;o) LOVE IT!! ;o) Hope everything is well ;o) I did put your wreath on my blog ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Kim, I left you a comment. I hope you got it? I love your wreaths! Fantastic girl ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  4. Kim, These are all so beautiful, and you did an amazing job on them all. Who ever gets these are so very lucky to have you as a friend.

    I have my wreath right in my office so I can see it every day. I love it. Thank you again.
