Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Wreaths: Gods & Goddesses

Brightest Blessings everyone, I hope all is well! I have been looking for some new ideas for my wreath decorations and since I love mythology so much, I decided to try my hand!  Here are a couple of Gods and Goddess wreaths that I had created ...

The Legend of Rhiannon & Pwyll

"Once in a million years a Lady like Her rises. "Rhiannon!," you cry, but she's gone 
and your life knows no answer." ~ Stevie Nicks

The Love Story of Caer Imbormeith & Angus McOg

"I'd rather live with Her in Her world, then live without Her in mine."

I added an inscription for them in order to perhaps better describe the "gist" of each story. If you wish to read more about these two legends, I have included my post for each: 

"The Legend of Rhiannon & Pywll"

"The Love Story of Caer Imbormeith & Angus McOg"

These were. of course, taken from two of my absolute favorite mythological tales!


  1. Wow Kim! These are so special! Beautiful my friend ;o) Hope everything is well ;o) Big Hugs and Many blessings ;o)

    1. Thanks Stacy!! I just finished a large wreath depicting King Arthur and Camelot. I will post it soon. All is well. I hope you are doing good!!! <3
