Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wishing everyone a Very Blessed Beltane!!!

So excited to finally see Beltane on the way tomorrow!!! In case anyone is interested, I have included two of my Beltane rituals in this post:

Brightest Blessings,

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"This is a song about an old Welsh witch ..."

Blessings all! Here is an awesome vid of the legendary band, "Fleetwood Mac" and their leading lady Stevie Nicks singing her beautiful song, "Rhiannon" live and showing everyone just HOW to rock!!!   Enjoy!  :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Wreaths: Gods & Goddesses

Brightest Blessings everyone, I hope all is well! I have been looking for some new ideas for my wreath decorations and since I love mythology so much, I decided to try my hand!  Here are a couple of Gods and Goddess wreaths that I had created ...

The Legend of Rhiannon & Pwyll

"Once in a million years a Lady like Her rises. "Rhiannon!," you cry, but she's gone 
and your life knows no answer." ~ Stevie Nicks

The Love Story of Caer Imbormeith & Angus McOg

"I'd rather live with Her in Her world, then live without Her in mine."

I added an inscription for them in order to perhaps better describe the "gist" of each story. If you wish to read more about these two legends, I have included my post for each: 

"The Legend of Rhiannon & Pywll"

"The Love Story of Caer Imbormeith & Angus McOg"

These were. of course, taken from two of my absolute favorite mythological tales!