Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"This is a song about an old Welsh witch ..."

Blessings all! Here is an awesome vid of the legendary band, "Fleetwood Mac" and their leading lady Stevie Nicks singing her beautiful song, "Rhiannon" live and showing everyone just HOW to rock!!!   Enjoy!  :)


  1. My very favorite Stevie Nicks song and one of my fav Welsh deities...a patroness, in fact. Thanks so much. This totally made my day :) Blessed Walpurgisnacht!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! I LOVE Rhiannon as well. She is an amazing goddess with an amazing story to tell!

      Brightest Blessings, Blessed Walpurgisnacht, and Happy Beltane, my friend!

  2. I never knew what this song was about! Thanks for sharing this Kim ;o)
    Happy Beltane ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
