Thursday, July 10, 2014

Handfastings: Info, Ideas & Resources

"You know, religions are like cars. Some are old, some are new. They come in different makes, models and colors. But if you choose to go, they all take you down the same road to God ~ whatever name you call him (or her) when you get there. They're just vehicles to Divinity."

With the recent marriage law change here in Pennsylvania which now recognizes the nuptials for same-sex marriage, the subject has very much been on my mind as of late.

Aside from the fact that my husband and I had a legal handfasting, I have had the fortunate privilege to have performed a few legal handfastings in this state ~ thanks to the ULC, and of course, my very dear friend Lady Sabrina Rhiannon who officiated at our wedding. But an ordination by any recognized church does not give anyone the license to simply perform legal wedding/handfasting ceremonies without having to follow state marriage laws. In that regard, our Pagan clergy are held up to the very same standards as any other clergy person.

With that being said, I really wanted to write a helpful post about handfastings to include various resources for those couples who are interested in having their own, or perhaps just wish to learn more about it.

Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's beautiful Interfaith (Wiccan/Christian) Handfasting ceremony ~ 2003

 My friends, Kim & Eric's legal Samhain Handfasting ceremony ~ 2012

Me casting the sacred circle and calling the corners

Hubby & I during our Renaissance Handfasting ritual ...

The following is a list of really great books with wonderful ideas for different types of rituals/ceremonies, awesome party favors, decorations, etc.:

Handfasted and Heartjoined: Rituals for Uniting a Couple's Hearts and Lives by Lady Rhea Maeve

Handfasting: A Practical Guide by Mary Neasham

Magickal Weddings: Pagan Handfasting Traditions for Your Sacred Union by Joy Ferguson

Passages: Handfasting, a Pagan Guide to Commitment Rituals by The Rev. Dr. Kendra Vaughan Hovey

Handfasting and Wedding Ritual: Inviting Hera's Blessing by Raven Kaldera

 Many Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, informative post ;o) Thanks Kim ;o) I love the photos of you and your hubby ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
