Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Still Another Reminder ...

She is known by many names by many different religious beliefs. Some may refer to her as "Mother Nature" or "Earth Mother," and others call her the Goddess, but one thing is for certain (and make no mistake about it) ... SHE is definitely in charge!

At the end of May, we endured an extremely rare but nasty hailstorm here in Berks County, PA and have been experiencing intermittent thunderstorms and such ever since. 

Last night we had a bad, albeit fairly short, thunderstorm with very damaging winds knocking down trees and power lines in various parts of our area. Here are a couple of pics of our front and back yard which I had taken early this morning before heading off to work ...

Yup, I would say the storm left somewhat of a mess, but still I know that it could have been much, much worse. All I kept thinking on my way to work was, "Thank Goddess we had the really tall branches from the trees in our yard trimmed last September!" 

The rainbow after the storm ... 

I had decided to take a half day vacation today, so I guess I'd better start cleaning things up a bit!

Brightest Blessings all,



  1. I'm glad you're safe, but don't envy you the clean-up detail!

  2. I'm glad everyone is safe ;o) We have been getting some bad storms too! I said to mom, it doesn't feel like summer to me! And, it's going by so fast too! I hope you didn't have too much to clean up! I love the rainbow photo ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
