Saturday, August 30, 2014

A heartfelt "Thank You" to Everyone!!

Greetings, my friends! First and foremost, I would like to express my very heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your beautiful comments left on my last post regarding my hiatus.

Because you all mean so much to me (you truly do!) and I really do enjoy blogging so much, I have decided that I will definitely be back, although I may not be able to blog quite as often. I will continue to blog up until the holidays and then take a little break. Again, thank you all for caring so much!

And now, on to the fun stuff ~ "The Countdown to Mabon Wreath Giveawy! The winners are:

Linda from her blog, "Moments in an Eye" won the "Autumn" wreath!

And, the mini "Fall" wreath goes to Bonnie!

Congratulations to both you you, my dear friends! I hope that you enjoy the holiday wreaths! As usual, please confirm your address by e-mailing me at I will mail out your prizes sometime next week.

Also, I have been working on a little something new as of late. I am going to try my hand at decorating brooms and various scented bottles ...

"Autumn" hanging broom

An orange-colored decorative Fall bottle using patchouli, sage and lavender; and a Pink Friendship bottle with little purple & white silk flowers, Lavender & Rose water, and a pinch of Damiana

Medium Samhain wreath

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful holiday weekend!!


  1. Take care my sweet friend and be well...I will miss you~~~

    Hugs & Blessings
    My Friend

    Congratulations...Linda and Bonnie!!! You have won some gorgeous items from our talented Lady Caer you can see in her photos above~~~

  2. I am so happy you are staying with us Kim ;o)
    Congrats to the lucky winners!
    Loving your broom and your bottles! You are going to have to open a store soon! LOL!
    Your last wreath is very special ;o)
    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  3. I am so happy you decided to stay!! I love your blog, and though I don't always have time to comment, I read it daily. Thank you for spreading your love
