Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Time for a Hiatus ...

Greetings all, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be taking a break, very possibly permanently, from both my blogs. BTW, this last Wiccan Life Giveaway will actually be the last one I will most likely ever have as, again, I do not feel enough of my followers are interested in participating in them. Please do not take this the wrong way my friends, but quite frankly speaking, I can no longer justify the time, energy, and money which I put into these handmade gifts (and trust me, I do not make nor giveaway cheap items!) for the lack of apparent interest). I must be honest.

As for all of the awesome friends and followers which have always been there and showed me so much love and support all these years, I can not "Thank You All" enough. And, to all of them, my very deepest apologies for leaving. But, please know that should this break from blogland actually be permanent, I promise you that I still intend to visit you all on your blogs.

I also plan to keep both of my blogs OPEN for anyone who would like to use the rituals, spells, recipes and such as a reference at any given time. To tell you all the truth, my original purpose for creating my blogs, most especially this one, was to serve as a sort of "mini site" for teaching beginners and educating those who wanted or needed it. Little did I know how many wonderful folks (and friends) I would make while blogging ~ I also never realized how time-consuming keeping up a blog (or two) can be! :)

Since I am bidding you all a sincere "goodbye" for now, I will move the giveaway drawing date up to this coming weekend, Saturday, August 30th! As per usual, I will attempt to contact the winners to inform them that they have won.

Blessings all!


  1. Sorry to see you go, but totally understand. I don't always comment, but look back to your blog for inspiration often, And use the prize I won from one of your contests all the time for my candle magic. Blessed Be. And may you always have light and love. Thank you for this little piece of Wiccan heaven

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Rebecca. I think I have got a little tear in my eye. It makes me sad to think of leaving permanently, so time will tell whether I can find the time to blog again or not.

      Goddess Bless!

  2. Hi, I totally understand. It is very hard to keep up with blogging, certainly when you've got two blogs. I do hope you will keep on blogging !!

    1. Thanks, Moncha. I will miss blogging a lot and will do my very best to come back soon!

      Many Blessings to you always, my dear friend ~ Kim

  3. As a beginner I just started reading your blog and I appreciate all the information you have given. Thank you for taking the time to do it. I really like your rituals and plan on using them in the future.
    Many Blessings

    1. Dear Rhosyn (love the cool spelling of your beautiful name), I would be very honored if you used my rituals. Thank you! May your journey be a wonderous one filled with much love and light!

      Blessing always, Kim

  4. Good luck and get some much needed rest!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Suzanne! Who knows, perhaps I will be back sooner than exepected (I love blogging and the wonderful friends such as you that I have made).

      Much love,

  6. I will miss you Kim . As someone above said I don't always comment, but I always read and enjoy your blog and very much appreciate the wreaths I've won and even though it's past solstice the solstice wreath is still up and I love it ! I will miss your blog very much and hope you return , but if not I understand.
    Bright Blessings to you Kim and much love.

    1. I appreciate your kind words more than I can say, thank you so much, Bonnie! I am so glad that you enjoy my blog and and my wreaths. I truly will make every effort to return as soon as I know that I will be able to take the time I should with it.

      Many Blessings, my dear friend!

  7. Kim, I am sorry, I'm so behind in blogging. You know I always catch up ;o)
    My friend, I will truly miss you, if you go away for good ;o( But, I totally understand! You know, you don't have to blog all the time! Blog, when you want too ;o)
    Kim, I know you put a lot into your giveaways! I appreciate everything I have received from you! One of the first large wreaths I won from you, I never take down! At the top, it has a heart, which says, Best Friends ;o)
    I love you Kim! And, you know I am here for you ;o)
    I showed your wreath on my blog today ;o)

  8. Hi Kim, You will be missed. I enjoy your blog and looking at the new things you design. I cherish the many things i have gotten from you. You are such a wonderful friend and give the best advice. Thank you for all you share.
