Sunday, August 24, 2014

A shopping I did go ...

This weekend, I took a little trip to one of my favorite Wiccan/Pagan supply shops called, "Celtic Myth & Moonlight." I stop by there a couple of times a year to pick up any supplies which I need ~ herbs, essential oils, candles, etc.

 Handcrafted votive candles made with pure essential oils by Willow Chestnut.

 A beautiful tall Autumn Equinox sabbat candle created by artist Lori Baratta

I also bought some more rose water, a few meditation incense sticks to burn in the Reiki Room, and some more herbs ...

Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium) ~  Often used for purification, protection and exorcism. Associated with masculine energy, Mars and Fire.

Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) ~  Known as a powerful aid in treating fevers, inflammation, arthitis and stomach issues.

Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) ~ Used in magick to help reach a state of euphoria for trances and general well being; also used to find a psychic bond with animals.

Sage (Salvia Apiana) ~ Very powerful purification herb! I use it quite often, most especially when performing house blessing and/or cleansing rituals.

Of course, the cats were more than happy to help me open up the catnip bag!

Among the various other supplies sold there, they also carry a gorgeous assortment of jewlery. I couldn't resist taking home this beautiful sterling silver and starburst-colored ring ...

The only down side is that it is located in the city and parking is always a bit of a challenge to say the very least, but as you can see, it is well worth the trip!

1 comment:

  1. I want to come shopping with you Kim! I love this store! I have a very special store like this close to me! I have to go there soon ;o) I usually go around 3 times a year. The ring is gorgeous! Big Hugs xoxoxo
    Give your fur babies a hug for me ;o)
