Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ready for Fall and a Giveaway!

Well, as you all can see I did a little more decorating late yesterday afternoon. I had some errands to run before going to see my mom for her birthday anyhow, and so I decided to stop at K-Mart while I was in the area. I found some good bargains on a few items which I could not resist ...

A kitchen tablecloth with apples, grapes and wine tapestry on it

a couple of seasonal kitchen towels

Hand towels for the bathroom with apples on them

And of course some more of my usual decorations that I put out every year in the living room for autumn ...

A Magic Love Crow treasure! ("Crow's Autumn Day")

A neat little Lughnasadh gift from my dear friend Lady Sabrina Rhiannon

And, it's that time of year again. Time for another "Countdown to Mabon" Giveaway (stay tunned, more details to follow sometime this week).  ;)  

Brightest Blessings all!


  1. I love the Autumn, it brings such a wonderful feeling, a magical feeling, I just love to decorate my home too, I have pumpkins everywhere, scented candles with pumpkin spice, Apple orchard and Halloween night scents and then I get excited for the harvest fruits and vegetables, I have my own little garden where I grow herbs, squash and things, really enjoy seeing everything that the earth has to offer, such a nice time of year! Your new decorations look great, really makes your home look ready for Autumn, ready for Mabon, ready for fun! XxX

  2. Hi Kim, Everything you make is wonderful. You are such a talent. I love it all. Thank you for your kind words in your comment. Autumn isso beautiful but it is a prelude to winter. I am a summer person.
    Thank you for sharing, Blessings to you too.

    1. Thanks so much Linda, you are very kind! I LOVE fall, but to tell you the truth, I really HATE the winter weather!!!

      Many Blessings, my friend ~


  3. Wow!!! Every photo is filled with wonderful colors and the feeling of autumn. Stacy's painting is gorgeous!!!
    This is a wonderful, happy post, dear Kim...I loved it!!!

    ~Blessings & Love, My Friend~

  4. I love the way your house looks ;o) It brings such a smile to my face ;o) Beautiful decorating Kim ;o) It makes me feel so loved, that you still have that painting ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Stacy, are you kidding me? YOU ARE LOVED and BTW, I ADORE THAT CROW PIECE!!! I keep it displayed on my bedroom dresser the rest of the year!!! ;

      Sister hugs,

