Monday, August 11, 2014

The Wiccan Life "Countdown to Mabon" Giveaway!

Greetings all! As I mentioned earlier in my previous post, I am having another "Countdown to Mabon" Giveaway! The drawing will be held on Saturday, September13th

 As per usual, since these giveaways are my little way of saying "thank you" to my bloggy friends and followers, you must be a follower of this blog in order to participate.

Also, you must please leave a message in the comment section of this post letting me know that you would like to be added to the drawing.

Love and Light to all!


  1. Kim, of course I want to be in your giveaway ;o) I am so behind in blog land! Sorry my friend! I will be catching up with your other posts soon ;o) Big Hugs and much love, Stacy ;o)

  2. My dear Friend...I would love to be entered in your "Mabon" giveaway!!!
    Such a beautiful prize would be greatly treasured...should I win.
    I know that this beautiful wreath was made by your hands so it holds within some of your spirit.
    But...if I am not the winner, I will be joyful for the one who is the winner~

    ~Blessings & Light~

  3. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway..Everything you make and do is amazing.
    Sending you blessings also.

  4. Bright Blessings Kim and of course I'm entering cause I love your wreaths

    Love and Light

    Bonnie S.
