Saturday, August 23, 2014

The 'Love' of a Sister

Magic Love Crow, that is! As you all know, every year I make it a sort of tradition to add another little festive item to decorate my home with. 

This year, I just simply had to have a sweet little baby crow aceo created by my very dear and talented artist friend, Stacy from "Magic Love Crow" called ...

"Special Delivery"

It arrived in the mail yesterday. Isn't this just the cutest thing you have ever seen? And, Stacy is such a sweet gal, too! Along with the aceo I had ordered, she also enclosed a very pretty "Thank You" card and another beautiful aceo called, "Sisters." This one, especially, is very dear to my heart! ...


 Thank you sooo much, Stacy! You're the best! Love you lots, my friend!!



  1. You lucky girl...Wonderful paintings by Stacy and a nice addition to your collection. Stacy is a sweet blogger friend.

  2. Kim, I love you my sister!!!
    The paintings look so good framed!
    You're very special to me!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
