Thursday, August 21, 2014

The sweet and the sour

Sadly, this September 25th, only three days after our wedding anniversary, will be one year since we lost our beloved kitty Mr. Earl Gray. We never really knew exactly "why" we lost him the way in which we had, we only know that he was alive and playing on our bed one minute and then gone the very next! 

Not a day passes that I do not think of him. His memory continues to live on in our hearts and in our home with beautiful collage photos, which I had taken of him, displayed throughout. This, my dear friends, is not to make sure that we never forget him, (no chance of that!) but rather helps me to cope with his loss in my own strange little way ...

I will never forget something my hubby said to me exactly three months later on Christmas morning. He said, "There's someone missing from our little family today. Someone who should have been here." What can I say, he was right. After all, our vet guestimated his age to be only around two or three years old.

I know that I am not alone in my sorrow and my heart goes out to anyone who has felt such a terrible loss of a very special furry family member. He is not the first kitty we have ever lost over these many years (as we have shared our lives with quite a few furr babies) and, we will forever and always miss them all

As for our blessed Mr. Gray, the kitty who came from nowhere and yet somehow managed to purr his way into our hearts and lives, I can only take comfort in the hope that he knows how much we love and miss him dearly as we say a little prayer and light a special candle in his honor on our anniversary day.

(July 2012 ~ September 2013)


  1. This made me cry...I dread the day my baby does. He's about 6 now. The 4 legged love of my life. :( Precious souls you can never replace. I've had several cats throughout my life, but my eldest and his lil bro(cause we're all family, even my husband agrees) have really touched my heart. For him, and his lil brother, I'll get memorial tattoos of them.

  2. Willow said ... I am so sorry

  3. Richard Drew Bechtold said ... I understand completely Kim. Imagine him running playing, happy in a beautiful field. That's what I do with my Little Grey. It still hurts terribly but that helps a small bit!

  4. Judy B. said ... It's a hard thing to love a pet. My cats are getting older and I dread the day. I don't mean it's hard to love them-It's hard to lose them!

  5. Beautifully said my friend! Mr. Earl Grey, knows how much you loved him! He is around you always! xoxoxo
