Thursday, October 30, 2014

TWL's Throwback Thursday & Fun Friday!

Greetings everyone! Well, the end of the week is here and the weekend is finally near ~  thank Goddess! So, I thought I would share some more pics of old by combining 'Throwback Thursday' and 'Fun Friday' ...

A vintage Halloween pic of Rhiannon & I circa 1997. We both decided to dress up for work ~ I wore my "Star Trek" costume and she wore her little bunny outfit.

 Hubby & I in 2002

Our friend Waterfae all dressed up for an old Samhain celebration at our house with a sign she hung around her neck which says,"Britney Spears in Ten Years"  ~ LOL!

Rhiannon singing live (with Rob and I on backing vocals) with the group "Second Effort"

And, again in 1996


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blessed Samhain Wishes!


Gather we here on Samhain eve
Some to remember, some to grieve
All to join with hand and heart
To see the misty veil part

Stand we here, hand to hand
While spirits roam across the land
Ash to ash, bone to bone
They rise from earth, from sea and stone

Seek their wisdom in the wind
Through curls of smoke, our love we send
And on this night of falling leaves
Gather we here on Samhain eve

We raise a glass
We toast you all
Our Ancestors
From king to thrall

We welcome you
This Samhain night
Come warm yourselves
By firelight

Come join our merry
Feast of Red
We hail you,
The Welcome Dead!
 ~ written by Sokarjo Stormwillow
 )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Now THAT'S Love!

Yesterday, I had such a really BAD day, and so my hubby took pitty on me. Tonight he came home from work with two very thoughtful gifts for me ...

 A beautiful bouquet of freshly cut flowers

 And, because he knows just how much I LOVE the show, "Sons of Anarchy," he also brought me this specical Collector's Edition magazine ...

It was quite a nice little surprise from my sweetheart! No wonder I love him so much!!  ;-D

A little holiday humor ...

)O(  )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O( 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Some new additions to Hubby's Tree ...

On Saturday, my hubby added some really cool ghost lights on the tree that change different colors intermittently  ...

And, I found a couple of these beautiful little ornaments which hold tiny pics in them to hang on the tree also. I thought it would make a nice addition for Samhain. Engraved on them, "Always In Our Hearts" ...

This is actually the first year that we have put up a tree before the Yule/Christmas season and I must say that I am really loving my hubby's new ideas for the holiday!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Horror Films Top 3 Sexiest Bad Guys (Warning: For Adults Only!)

Okay everyone, it's time to have a little holiday fun! With the release of the season's new Halloween flicks and the old re-runs as shown on many television stations around this time of the year, I was thinking a lot about some of the "sexier" characters portrayed in them.

Ergo, I have decided to let my hair down just a tad and post my idea of sexy bad guys in a horror/thriller film. Here are my personal top three picks (with a  few pics and a little vid clip to go along with them) ...

 3.    "Mort Rainey" as played by the very talented and "sweet" Johnny Depp in the on-screen version of Stephen King's "Secret Window" ~ (2004)

 2.  The character of "Tim Whalen" (Rob Lowe) in the 1988 murder-thriller, "Masquerade"

And, this "bad guy" has always held a strange fascination for me ever since this movie was first released. He was most definitely to "die" for ... LOL!

1. "Frank Cotton" from Clive Barker's 1987 movie, "Hellraiser" as played by British actor Sean Chapman

Well, there it is, I hope you have enjoyed my very short list of sexy men in horror films. I could list a few more, but I think that will do!!! So, my dear friends, who is YOUR idea of a sexy bad boy?


Saturday, October 25, 2014

A "Surprise" Visitor!

Last night while I was sitting at home in the living room watching a movie on TV, the front doorbell rang. I opened up the door and standing there all dressed in an adorable little "kitty" costume was my god-daughter Kyli-girl! 

The "Harley-Davidson" Showroom located across our street was hosting a really cool event for the kiddlies called "Family Movie Night" ~ complete with free food and drinks, smores snacks, a Halloween costume contest, and a great movie showing on their big-screen which featured the movie, "Beetlejuice."

And of course, I just couldn't resist taking this snapshot of her ... 

It's kinda interesting, but I hadn't noticed while I was taking this pic that our cat, Kiki, was hanging out in the background just sitting at our bedroom doorway ... can you see those glowing little kitty-cat eyes? LOL!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fun Friday!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

TWL's "Throwback Thursday"

Yup, if you guess that was my sister and twin soul, Judy (aka Rhiannon) and I in the above pic, you would be right! LOL! We also used to sing live together as well many years back. Here are a few pics for you from those days of yester-year (and then some)  ...

Judy singing (beautifully) harmony for me while I sang, "The Tide is High" live (top pic); and below, I have always loved this one of us. I always thought she resembled "The Bangles" lead singer Suzanna Hoffs in this one ("Walk Like an Egyptian" video come to mind to anyone?)

A 'lil Yule pic of Rhiannon

... and of me doing my "Genie" imitation for a Halloween party pic ~  LOL!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pennhurst State School & Asylum

Last night, hubby & I went to the "untouched" section of Pennhurst State School & Asylum located in Spring City, PA ... NO actors, NO set ups!! Let me tell you, my friends, THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED ...


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Safe Holiday Recipe for Pets

Making the holiday's safe for our furr babies is always a very important thing to us all. Pet-proofing our home is vital to their well-being. Whether we share our lives with dogs, cats, rabbits or any other animal, we take certain precautions such as not using tinsel on Christmas/Yule trees, avoiding breakable ornaments, and, amongst other things, not leaving candy (most especially chocolate!) sitting around where they can get to them! 

I found a great recipe which you can make yourself at home for your pets that is both safe and easy ... Pets can't have chocolate, but they can have this treat!

Bewtiching Biscuts

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup water + 1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/3 cup corn meal
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 cup oats
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup canned pumpkin

Mix ingredients together to a thick consistency, then roll the dough out about a quarter-inch thick. Cut the dough into two-inch long strips (or use a fun cookie cutter) and arrange on a cookie sheet. Bake for one hour at 350 degrees F.

Brightest Blessings ~

Our Samhain Altar

In anticipation of this coming Samhain, I have already begun preparing the altar which we will use. It includes a special place for my memorial pics as well ...

And, these are the corner candles which we always use, both indoors and out, for all of our sabbat rituals ...

Samhain is always a very special time for me, but this year I will be able to share this celebration with my dear sister, Robin ~ some of you may know her by her magickal name of Aurora Skye.

Brightest Blessings to All ~
