Monday, November 24, 2014

Anyone remember these?

Does anyone out there remember these? My great aunt used to teach classes in ceramics in her home many, many years ago before she passed away. She lived a block down the road from us and my mother once asked me if I were interested in taking her classes. However, at the time I was already heavily involved with both a Drum and Twirling Corp. and school band front, and so I told her no.

Well, looking back I so wish now that I had taken those classes to learn how to make these ceramic beauties because as it now turns out it has sadly become a dying art.

The other day, there was a vender/craft faire held where I work. I happened to find these lovely little holiday plates which were handmade by a co-worker and her mother ...

Valentine's Day/Imbolc

Ostara/Spring Equinox

Beltane & Midsummer/Summer Solstice


 Yule/Winter Solstice

And a pretty plate for my nautical bathroom

My hubby's aunt also used to make ceramic decorations. In fact, the orange pumpkin shown above is one she had made for our family reunion the year of our wedding. It has the date inscribed on the bottom if it and was a memorable gift given to us for our wedding by my sister Robin and hubby's brother.  Very special!

1 comment:

  1. These are so beautiful Kim! Are they plates to hang on the wall? I love them! I love the story about the orange pumpkin! Very special indeed! (please go to my blog!) Big Hugs ;o)
