Sunday, November 23, 2014

Black Friday came early this year!

Okay, so my usual plans to decorate for Yule came a bit early this year!  LOL! With this coming week's contemparary Thanksgiving holiday, I (along with so many others) have both that day and the day after ("Black Friday") off from work. And so I decided to take the entire week off with Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday being my last vacation days. After all, it only made sense since Fall has always been my favorite time of the year anyhow.

My plans? Well, other than a family dinner with the folks on Thanksgiving, I would like to just chill out and perhaps do "whatever." One of those things was to bring out my Yule/Winter decorations and that I did  ~ yesterday afternoon ...

 Cat-approved Yule Tree

My handmade Yule wreath #1

My handmade  Yule wreath #2

And finally a few more pics of the tree ...

For me, the Yule Tree has always held a very special place in my heart as every year for as long as I can remember, I have made sure to trim it wth only personal decorations. Everything on my tree has a special meaning from the engraved names on the ornaments to the ones which were either handed down from previous generations and/or given as personal gifts.  

Brightest Blessings and enjoy the day!



  1. Hi Kim. Thank you for your comment. I just love you holiday decor, it's wonderful and everything is bright and beautiful. Yes, Michigan weather is weird...

  2. It's all so beautiful my friend.

  3. Kay Young Dunlap said ... I so recognize those ceramic pieces. Angel "Floss" calling.

  4. Rhiannon said ... Very pretty!

  5. Richard Drew Bechtold said ... Very pretty, and love the cats underneath!

  6. Aurora Skye said ... Everything looks so beautiful!

  7. So beautiful Kim! You have everything decorated with so much happiness and love ;o) I will be right over for a cup of tea ;o) xoxoxo

  8. Your wreaths are beautiful! How did you attach the decorations to the wreaths?

    Also, how do you keep your cats from climbing the tree? I tried putting up a tree once. One cat kept climbing the tree, and another cat kept trying to eat the artificial pine needles.
