Monday, November 17, 2014

Farewell to Fall!

As the wheel of the year turns on we will soon say goodbye to the fall holidays until next year. And so, it is now time to begin thinking about Yule and the Winter Solstice. Those of my friends who have been following my blog for quite a while already know that it has always been a tradition of mine to take down all of my fall decorations on Black Friday in preparation for the on coming of Yule.

I have found that because of having to work full-time and I never (repeat never) leave the house to go shopping the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, that this routine helps a lot to better manage my time with my constant busy schedule.

In fact, the other day there was a craft faire held where I work and I had found some very nice little items which to add to this year's Yule decorations ...

And, a couple of small coffee table books to give as holiday gifts to family and friends ... :)

Although I know that the snow will be on its' way very soon around these parts of Pennsylvania, right now we have been having much rain which, I must admit truthfully, I much prefer!


  1. Wonderful post, dearest Kim...and how I love that simple little tree with the blue star!!!

    Great Big Hugs

  2. I love your new decorations ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Hey Kim, make sure you come by my blog ;o)
