Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Just Chillin'

Chilly and getting chillier, the weather has already been in the low teens and very windy these past couple of days. Though considering how much snow the poor residents living in Buffalo, New York have had to endure this month thus far, I am not complaining!

Merely trying to keep warm an cozy with hubby and the kitties who have been busy spending a lot of time snuggling up under the bed covers ...

Next week; however, the temperatures are supposed to go back up to the 60's around here. Yay, now that's my kind of weather! Besides, it is wayyy too early for teens with winter still weeks away.

No matter, as long as I still have my buddy-cat, Mr. Midnight, by my side I am A-OK!

)o(   )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(


  1. Hahaha! Every time we get a dusting, here in Athens everything shuts down in complete and utter panic, it is true!
    By the way, i also have a calico, a bombay and a grey cat!
    Have a great day!

  2. I'm so over winter already, and it isn't even (officially) winter yet!

  3. Wonderful and snuggy warm post, dear Kim :)
    All of your fur babies are beautiful! Love the photos!
    Also had a nice laugh on the snow pics...still lol!!!

    Hugs and Love

  4. I love the last two jokes! LOL! So true ;o) LOL!
    Your kitties are so nice and cozy! I'm going to cuddle up with them ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o)
