Friday, December 05, 2014

Life is like a Merry-Go-Round

Well friends, it has been a very scary last few days or so as on the morning of Black Friday, my dad was admitted by ambulance into The Reading Hospital emergency unit. His charts were off the roof and his blood pressure was dangerously low. We were told by the emergency room doctor that if he did not receive a blood transfusion immediately that he would die within a matter of a couple of days! Even scarier yet, while we were waiting for the medical staff to take him for an MRI, EKG, among other things, the hospital went on "lockdown." My first thought ... what is THAT exactly? Well, apparently if there is a violent crime (in this case it was a stabbing in downtown Reading which is only a couple of blocks away from the hospital itself!) or some other sort of "trauma" no one is allowed to enter the building. The cops were walking around everywhere on the floor outside of the room where my father was being held and I just had a huge knot in the pit of my stomach. All I kept thinking was, "God, get my dad out of this place and in a room safe!"

The next morning, he was moved into a private room in the Progessive Care Unit while we awaited the results of yet many more tests. After evaluating the results from his tests, the doctors were finally able to get him stabilized.

He remains there (after, of course, they moved him to 5 different rooms in three days time!) as of today and they are currently deciding whether or not to send him to rehab before going home. There isn't very much they can do about his kidney failure (due to all of the years he had to be put on "life-saving" meds by his doctors) and his serious heart problems, so the best we can do is try to minimize his pain and keep him as comfortable as possible at home where he truly wants to be.
Dad 'n' me ~ Thanksgiving 2013

 Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Sending warm thoughts and hugs from the heart; will light a candle in a wee while.

    1. Thank you so very much, Jacqueline ... you are the best!, Much appreciated, my dear friend. :-)



  2. Oh . . . Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, I surely wish him well my friend.

  3. Kim, I am so sorry my friend! I will continue to send him healing prayers! I hope your dad isn't in any pain!
    Scary about the hospital being on lock down!
    Hugs ;o)

  4. Just catching up with what's going on with your Dad. I hope things are better today. Very very tough and you and your mom and family. Topping it off with that Lockdown, good gawd! Keeping positive thoughts for you and yours!!
