Sunday, December 07, 2014

On the Lighter Side ...

Greetings to all! First, I would like to shout out a huge "Thank You" to you all for your emotional support and continued prayers and positive thoughts for my beloved dad. Words can not express just how very much they are appreciated by my family and myself. I love you all!

Now, on to something a bit more uplifting. Last night, hubby, Dave (a very dear friend of mine since my teenage years who also shares my hubby's birthday), Dave's lovely wife Deb, and I all celebrated the guys birthday's at an old local haunt of ours called, "Flanagan's Pub."  

We had a delicious dinner and a wonderful night out ...

 Dave wearing his "Nice" Santa hat

and hubby with his "Naughty" Santa hat!

It was so great to be able to get the chance to see old friends and enjoy a little time away from it all!


  1. Tell your hubby "Happy Birthday" from me Kim.

    I'm so glad that you and your hubby had such a good time out my friend.

  2. Oooh an Irish pub! Great place for a birthday celebration! Happy Birthday to Brett!! and hugs to you, Kim

  3. What a great birthday night out ;o) Love the photos ;o) Happy Birthday to your hubby ;o) Hugs ;o)
