Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Additions ...

Happy weekend everyone! Just wanted to share a couple of things with you all. First, is the beautiful Yule/Christmas gift I received from Miss Judy who has been a very dear friend of mine for several years now and she also happens to be one of the few people I would ever trust to cat-sit our furr babies at any given time. She knows how much I absolutely adore mermaids, and she bought me this gorgeous mermaid chime from Sunset Vista Designs Co., Inc. for my nautical bathroom ...

Four of  my dear friend "Miss Judy's" furr babies posing for a cool Christmas pic with Santa Paws ~ "Acey" (female Black Lab), "Rocky" (male orange Tabby cat on Santa's lap), "Punkin' (female Beagle), & "Miss Sadie" (Basset Hound ... also my god-doggie)

And (*clearing my throat a bit*), it would appear that hubby has found a "new" friend (or two) hanging around our backyard. Yes, you guessed it my friends, another homeless kitty-cat which he has been routinely feeding for the past three weeks or so.

Now, since there is currently no available "room at our Inn," we have decided to, for the time being anyway, purchase a heated cat house for this poor little fellow to help him (or her for that matter) keep warm as well. 

In fact, we had actaully found an Outdoor Heated Cat House on-line in the $70 and up price range which just may be financially "do-able" for us at this time ...


 It has both a front and a back doorway in and out so that the cat will not get cornered, trapped or even attacked by another wild animal (i.e. skunk, another cat, etc.).


Ah yes, it is as if we had a huge sign hanging out on the front window of our house which reads ...

Oh well, call me crazy but if I had the means to do so, I would buy acres and acres of land and set up several cat houses as a sancutary for every homeless cat in the world. But, that's just me! LOL!


  1. Oh wow, you guys have a heart of gold. That's beautiful. That heated cat house is such an awesome idea!

  2. Oh how wonderful..of you to open your heart. Good blessings for you

  3. I love the new treasures ;o) That mermaid chime is gorgeous! Cats know you love them, that's why they come to you ;o) You and your hubby are good people ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
