Friday, December 26, 2014

We Are Family

Well,  the Christmas holiday is over for yet another year, but it was; however, a very special one for us! We started off our day by exchanging gifts at my parents house, then headed off to spend a couple hours enjoying some family time with my dad at the rehab center ...

Me & hubby

 Dad opening up his presents ...

Posing with my bro Kerry

Afterwards, we spent the rest of the evening with my hubby's folks at their house ...

Tulip and my MIL

 Hubby's dad, "Pop" with his gifts

When we arrived home, the kitties were finally able to open up their things ...

"Okay, we're ready. Can we pleeeease open up our presents from Santa Paws now?"

"Hmm, what do we have here guys? A few bags of yummy Greenie treats and some cool cat toys..."
"Mine, mine, all mine!"

Kiki, Tabitha 'n' Mr. Midnight

 I hope you all had a very wonderful time on your Christmas as well! Brightest Blessings all!


  1. These photos are wonderful. I love them all. Happy Christmas.

  2. Beautiful photos! Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves including the cats. :D

  3. Excellent photos Kim! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time ;o) Your dad looks great ;o) I love your fur babies ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
