Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seasons Blessings!!

(Thank you, Draco for allowing me to use your beautiful pic for this post!)

Greetings and salutations, my dear friends! Tonight, I must still finish wrapping some last minute gifts and such. And, since my dad is still currently in rehab, we will all be spending most of the day with him exchanging gifts and celebrating there for a bit. But, no matter just as long as we are all still able to be together as a family, that is all that is important. Then afterwards, we will head on over to spend some family time with hubby's folks.

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish everyone and their families all the blessings of the season ~ however you happen to celebrate the holiday! 


  1. I hope you have a special day with your dad ;o) Big Hugs to you and your loved ones and to your fur babies ;o) Merry Christmas ;o)

  2. Treasure family time and enjoy the day!!!
