Monday, December 08, 2014

The Cycle of Life

As a practicing Wiccan for many years, I certainly understand "the cycle of life." The concept of birth, life, death and rebirth are the principles on which I was raised ~ atleast by my father. Although at times, not-so-simple, they are facts of life. Why am I talking about this? Well, the morning my dad was admitted into the hospital, the emergency room physician was both blunt and honest regarding the seriousness of the situation. His comment to us after explaining our options was, "There is no easy fix to this!" My dad's reply, "Hey, if it happens I am not afraid to die. It is all part of the cycle of life. We all live and die and we have no control of that." His words resinated very deeply with me and I realized then that he was much more concerned about us at that point than anything else.

Now, perhaps it is because I, too, am getting much older ~ after all, I will be 51 in February. It seems in many ways I have become my parents in that I have both mellowed and gotten a bit more outspoken through the years. Like most of us I think, I am definitely not the exact same person which I used to be many years ago in body or mind. No real surprise since we are all changing in many ways throughout our lifetime.

For example, I have always been overly sensitive and sentimental as a child and an adult, but now it appears I am even more so. The "simple" flowerchild way of viewing my life as a teenager is, for the most part, still there only seasoned with a bit of reality and logic about certain things which are going on all around us these days. I cherish and appreciate each and every moment spent with family and friends with whom I know that I have been extremely blessed to have in my life.


  1. Bless your father! Sending him a big hug! Kim, I understand and totally agree with everything you are saying! Sending you a hug too! You know how sensitive I have been this year! We have to cherish every moment of our lives, with our loved ones! It does go too quickly! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Rhiannon said ... Kim, what you said was beautiful with lots of deep meaning your words really touched my soul.

  3. Sending huge hugs to you and your family. Having a gentle and sensitive heart can be painful, but because of it you are a gift to your father, family, and friends.
    I'll be lighting a candle and keeping all of you in my heart.

  4. A difficult time and yet a time to savor the blessings and love of family. I understand what you are saying about growth of spirit and beliefs; it's a process that is never finished. Hugs to you sweet sister.

  5. Aurora Skye said ... Loved your post about the cycle of life - I am blessed to have you as part of my life. Love you seester!
