Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Birthday Weekend

Greetings all! Not too much happening here as we are just hanging in there waiting for spring to arrive. But, in the meantime this weekend will be my 51st birthday. Nothing special planned as of yet, although hubby and I will most probably just go out for a nice dinner and then chill out and relax at home for the evening. 

Leo is adjusting very well. For the current time, he spends his days in the holding cage with everything a kitty needs and then in the evening we bring him upstairs and let him get some exercise hanging out and playing in the spare bedroom with us ...

His wounds are healing up nicely as well.

Until next time my friends, here's wishing you all a very blessed weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday to you... your plans sound like my ideal!

    So glad Leo is healing, you are most certainly a blessing to him and I'm sure he will be/is for you as well. Sending hugs.

  2. Kim, "Happy Birthday" my friend, I wish much good time and happiness to you and your hubby on this special day of yours.

    Oh . . . and I'd like to add, I really like the photos, and I'm so happy that Leo is doing well.



  3. A very very happy birthday, Kim. Remember, you are NOT getting older, you are getting better and better! Enjoy the day!!

  4. Happy Birthday Week Kim! Hope it's happy and warm!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday ;o) You are gorgeous ;o) Another kitty? Leo is so cute! I am so behind in blogging! Sorry! Love you!
