Saturday, March 07, 2015

This and That

Happy Saturday all! Just a couple of things this weekend. First off, we took Leo to the vet for his booster shot appointment and to schedule a date for his front declaw surgery which will be on Tuesday morning. After that, he is free to roam the rest of the house and get adjusted to his new siblings.

Next, just a quick reminder to set your clocks an hour ahead this Sunday for (cough!) daylight savings time in Spring. They are calling for temperatures in the 40's this week and spring is finally on it's way. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Good Morning, dear Kim and hello, Leo!!! He sure is a beauty and I will bet that he will love his new family :)
    I am sorry that I disappeared again, my friend. I have had much to work through and I think that I have finally found that part of me that is my true being once more. It is hard finding one's self at my eyesight isn't what it used to be :))

    Big Hugs

  2. Oh I'm so happy that Leo will get to roam the house freely. I'm sure that will make a huge difference for him. :D

    Thank you for the reminder about the spring forward time... I'm not looking forward to it... makes sense in the summer but I don't appreciate having my hour stolen now... lol

  3. Have a great weekend my friend ;o) So happy everything is going well with Leo ;o) Much love ;o)

  4. I'm so glad that Leo will be able to run about with his new siblings; I'm sure that makes you feel better as well!

    Bah humbug to daylight savings time though!
