Sunday, March 08, 2015

New Ritual Items

This year will be a very special Ostara as I am celebrating it with my sister Robin (Aurora Skye). Last weekend she and I went shopping together and I found a few new ritual items for our altar. I picked up some scented seasonal votive candles at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

and a great book of inspirational thoughts and prayers at "Barnes & Noble" book store ...

"The Pocket Book of Blessings"

"The Pocket Book of Blessings" includes inspiring words of wisdom from Terry Pratchett, Maya Angelou, the Dalai Lama, and many others.

I also bought a wonderful CD called "Spirits of the Mermaids"by Mo Coulson and Chris Conway. The music is simply beautiful and will provide a relaxing ambiance and serenity for our ritual ceremony. I'm so excited for Ostara!!


  1. My dearest, Kim...thank you for sharing all of your wonderful and magical treasures here with us! I always enjoy seeing your lovely altar in all of its splendor. I am definitely going to look for that CD and also check-out the book. I do love adding books to my home library :) And...those candles sound delightful...I love candles!!!

    May you and your sister share a wonderful Ostara~

    Hugs and Love

  2. Beautiful altar! How marvelous you will have someone to celebrate Ostara with. It is an exciting time. I love to have music during rituals.

  3. It's all so wonderful and peaceful... Lovely new alter. I would love to listen in when you are playing your new cd.
