Sunday, April 26, 2015

It's All in the Family

For the first time in quite a few years, my sister Aurora Skye and I are going to be performing the Beltane ritual together. We have celebrated this sabbat before in the past in a group setting, but never only just the two of us.

And so, I have been adding the finishing touches on my seasonal decorations and re-vamping my Beltane Ritual for two in preparation for this coming weeks' celebration.

Me 'n' Aurora Skye in 2004

 Me, Waterfae and Rhiannon ~ Beltane 2002
Rhiannon with her very young son Richie (Page) in 2002
Draco (on left) and me (far right)
Draco and wife Rhiannon
A bit unlike our years of yesterday when all of my solitary friends and I gathered for rather large celebrations either at my home or theirs, Aurora and I will be enjoying a more peaceful, secluded Beltane this year ~ although I will always relish my wonderful memories of the past and would not trade them for anything in the world! But, regardless of whether you choose to spend this sacred holiday by yourself honoring the Lord and Lady or with others, the celebrations themselves will always have special meaning. 


  1. Those are such lovely photos, Kim, my friend, and I just want to add, I'm so happy for you both!



  2. Beautiful post Kim! Beltane Blessings ;o)
