Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Value of a Comment

Good day, my friends, hope all is well with everyone! In response to a recent post I have just read on one of my dear friend's blogs, I have decided to re-post an old one of my posts from March 12, 2012 which I had written about leaving comments on other blog members posts.  I hope that you all enjoy! ...

Those of us who have blogs know how much it means when our blogger friends take the time and care enough to leave a comment or two on our blog posts ~ and of course I am no exception.

But as wonderful as receiving comments from others is, for me, there is an even more important reason why I like comments so much. That reason is the fact that communicating through our post comments often gives us the ability to correspond on a more personal level with one another.
I have noticed lately that many of my blog friends also hold little conversations back and forth through their blog comments. It's a great way to form friendships with our peers even if we never do get the opportunity to actually meet them face to face. Most especially with our friends who happen to be very shy or tend to have a difficult time meeting other people of like minds and interests.

Communicating with our fellow bloggers can also give us an appreciation for others who may even be a little different from ourselves. A kind of diversity of sorts among us all in Blogland.

"To me, diversity is inclusive of everyone, it is about learning from others who are not the same, and about dignity and respect for everyone."
~ Donna Garman

I have learned quite a bit from my blogger friends about so many different things. I have found much love, caring and support from others whom I have met through their blogs and that is where many of our friendships begin here.  And, I am indeed grateful to have had the chance to know them all!


  1. A post from my own thoughts Kim...I am so happy that you were thoughtful enough to say what I have been thinking for a long time.
    In my own personal case...I am at fault. I have had so many blogs and deleted so many blogs that those who were interested in my blog and my thoughts...lost that interest and few have returned.
    Comments are a great way to have a conversation with our fellow bloggers and make the blogging experience more interesting and fun.
    BTW...thank you for being one of the few who never gave up on me :))

    Hugs & Blessings

    1. Jan, give up on you? Never, my dear gal!!! ;)

      Hugs and blessings!

    2. I am forever beholding to you my dear lady :))

  2. I so agree with all you've written. Especially during the week, the comments I receive and leave are my main source of communication with folks other than the Great Scot. Even in the middle of a small city, being unable to drive means living a mostly isolated life.

  3. someone once said that "conversation is the foreplay leading up to friendship" ( I think it was me!) ha ha ha ha ha I do so enjoy our exchanges! Continue to spread the magic! The world needs it!

  4. Thank you my dear friend Kim!

  5. true, communication is great for getting to know each other better, the community as well as for some inspiration and of course it is nice to see someone didn't just click your link by accident but also takes time to read :-)
    and on your 'not seeing each other in person' thought... over the time i really met a lot of people i know from blogging in person, from different countries all over the world and it always is so exciting to see them again! or with others sending halloween packages or food / cosmetic / whatever swaps.
    ah, sorry i lost myself somewhere in commenting. anyways hi there! :-D

  6. I agree with everything you said Kim!!!!
