Tuesday, April 07, 2015

It's finally Spring!

Yup, spring has finally begun and here is how we know it to be so in our house ...
Every year around springtime, the cats behave just a little crazier than usual. Other than the obvious fact that they are constantly lying in the windows churping at the birds and such, they madly run around the entire house and have so much extra energy that they actually get on each other's nerves sometimes ... LOL!

Tabitha loves her favorite pastime ... looking out of the WINDOWS!

Haley (lying back in the corner), Midnight and Tabitha checking out the cardinal in the front yard.

Midnight 'n' Leo are becoming quite the buddies.

Midnight cuddling up to Haley

Have a great week everyone and enjoy the beautiful weather!!


  1. Oh, you must be having a heat wave going through or something. Here we had very cold Easter weekend and we are still not out of the woods, but things are looking up starting Friday... or Saturday... hopefully. Some sun and double Celsius digits are coming our way! :D

  2. It's good to see them so at ease.

  3. aww the cats are so.. cute :)

  4. Awww, I love your fur babies!!! Yeh Spring!
