Thursday, April 09, 2015

"Books are Fun" Day!

A couple of times a year, a company called, "Books are Fun" travel to my place of work and set up all of their fabulous books and other great items. I always find a few things to buy throughout the year to put aside as Yule and Christmas gifts for family and friends. Here are some of the things which I had found at the book faire ...

 "Off the Beaten Path ~ Pennsylvania: A Guide to Unique Places" and "Friends are Forever" by Marci <3

 A box of various colored marbles

Now, what do I want with marbles, you might ask? Well, I love to use them to decorate my glass candle holders and since I have just begun to bring out some of my Beltane decorations for around the house, I thought I would utilize the different shades of green, clear, and white marbles ...

Of course, I haven't quite finished my decorating as of yet, but I will perhaps post a few more pics along with my Beltane altar when I am completely done.

Have a wonderful weekend all!!!


  1. Your altar is looking beautiful, as always! Have a great weekend.

  2. Dearest, Kim, Your decorations always look so marvelous and these are no exception...beautiful!

    The books do sound interesting and one can never have to many of them :)

    Love, love, love the marbles. I used to play marbles as a kid...I was a true "tomboy" and I had at least three...three lb. coffee cans filled with them all the time!!! Wish I still had them~

    Hugs & Love

  3. You decorate everything so beautiful! Love it all ;o)
