Thursday, April 16, 2015

This and That ...

Greetings, my friends! I have been keeping pretty busy for the last couple of days working on my spring cleaning and putting the finishing touches on my home decorating. As with so many other of my decorations, there are some which I have kept for quite a few years as they have special meaning to me.

This beautiful set of three heart candle holders were handmade by a very talented artist friend of mine years ago for her art faire.

A gorgeous ceramic Green Man set ...

My Beltane altar for 2015 ...

And, of course, I couldn't pass up purchasing a few new pairs of shoes for springtime. After all, a gal can never have too many pairs of shoes for every occasion ...

Now the down side as it were to it all, it appears that during the past couple of months or so, I have put a few more pounds back on since I have slacked off on my serious diet and exercise. Fortunately, we have a new treadmill downstairs as our skier equipment that I had used to lose all of my weight a year ago had broken down months ago. Yep, it's time to get back on track again!

Brightest Blessings all!


  1. Oh, I love your Green Man set! Especially the bottom piece. I'm assuming it's a container of sorts?

    And your altar looks beautiful! :)

  2. Oh my, I just love your G M set, such great detail, and I love your altar as well my friend.

  3. Love your decorations and I totally love your Green Men...gorgeous!!!

    It was fun seeing all of the different styles of shoes that you bought, Kim...they are all neat. I love the blue pair.

    My dear friend, your altar always looks lovely. You always make me want to create one after I see yours :)

    Don't fret...losing and gaining and losing and gaining weight it's just what we do. You will lose those few lbs again :))

    Hugs and Blessings

  4. I am loving the new shoes! And the Green Man set is gorgeous! The three heart candle set is beautiful! I have to get back on losing weight too! Kim, I don't know why, but unless you comment, I can't find your blog! It doesn't come up on my blog list! Errr, I think I told you that before. Big Hugs ;o)
