Thursday, April 30, 2015

TWL's Throwback Thursday Odds 'n' Ends

Happy Thursday everyone! Not too much happening here this week except that on Tuesday morning I had to have a root canal performed on one of my back teeth ~ it was either that or get it pulled ... not much of a choice to make if I can save the tooth, eh? Not a fun procedure by any means, but definitely necessary. I have to go back for more work on that same tooth and then all should be well again hopefully.

My temporary root canal filling until a pin is put in my back molar in a couple of weeks.

 Anyway, I had come across a few old pics that I had forgotten that I had and thought I would use them for my Throwback Thursday post this week ...

My nana Cora holding her favorite kitty," Puddy" circa 1963.

Me, hubby and my bro Kerry taken at the Hard Rock CafĂ© ~ New York 2008.

Rhiannon, me and Judy B. in 1992 after having lunch at Flanagan's Pub, Reading, PA.

My handsome hubby taken at his brother's wedding a few months before we met in 1994.

Have a fantastic Thursday all!


  1. Ouch! Glad the root canal is over with, they're definitely no fun. Hope you're feeling better soon......loved the TBT photos!

  2. So much fun to see older photos and hear their it!!! do have a handsome hubby and he in turn has a beautiful wife...perfect!

    Ouch!!! Root thank you! Sorry you are in pain my sweet friend. But we do what we must to keep a healthy smile :)

    Lots og Hugs and Blessings and a FANTASTIC THURSDAY to you, too!!!

    1. My dear Kim, I will not have a blog anymore but I just stopped by to say that I will visit you here whenever I can, my dear and favorite witch. It is just something that I have to do.

      Lots of Hugs, Love & Blessings

    2. Jan, thank you for letting me know. I truly do appreciate it. I only hope that nothing is wrong and that you are well!

      Brightest Blessings and many hugs,


  3. Ouch root canal!! I hope you are ok!!!
    I love the pics! It's so much fun to look back!
    big Hugs ;o)
